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Ответ на Spotlight on Russia, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Spotlight on Russia, Номер 4.
Special Interests
One of the best ways you can express your personality is through clothes. Recently, young Russians have become interested in studying national costumes.
Spotlight on Russia visits a Moscow school where national costume is a very popular subject
A lot of the girls here are part of the fashion theatre 'Grace'. It is the girls’ favourite school club. They come here after classes to learn about designing clothes and dressmaking. They start with the design and end with a fashion show of the finished dresses. It's hard to believe that the masterpieces presented in the shows have been created by schoolgirls.
National costumes have been the focus of attention in recent years not only for practical work but also for school project work. National costumes, like all clothes, have to protect the wearer from environmental conditions and should look nice. However, all costumes also have a social function. They show people the wearer's role in society, their rank or social status as well as other details such as age or marital status.
Not all of the original meanings of separate details and elements of the costume are known today.
One project about Russian national costumes completed by students at the school was called 'The traditions of ethnic motives in Russian national costumes’. It included several women’s costumes from different social layers. The presentation displayed the colourful costumes and also demonstrated traditional Russian musical instruments like the balalaika.
Through school projects like this many of our students have the chance to see that national costume is not only one of the most precious monuments of folk art and social history, but also one of the richest resources for studying ethnicity and its links with nationality.
Do some research on the national costume for a man or a woman from your region and find or sketch a picture. Send it to us and explain as many of the different elements as you can.
• Do you find national costumes interesting? Why (not)?
• Have you ever worn a national costume?
• Where could you wear a national costume? How do you think you would feel?
One of the best ways you can express your personality is through clothes. Recently, young Russians have become interested in studying national costumes.
Spotlight on Russia visits a Moscow school where national costume is a very popular subject
A lot of the girls here are part of the fashion theatre 'Grace'. It is the girls’ favourite school club. They come here after classes to learn about designing clothes and dressmaking. They start with the design and end with a fashion show of the finished dresses. It's hard to believe that the masterpieces presented in the shows have been created by schoolgirls.
National costumes have been the focus of attention in recent years not only for practical work but also for school project work. National costumes, like all clothes, have to protect the wearer from environmental conditions and should look nice. However, all costumes also have a social function. They show people the wearer's role in society, their rank or social status as well as other details such as age or marital status.
Not all of the original meanings of separate details and elements of the costume are known today.
One project about Russian national costumes completed by students at the school was called 'The traditions of ethnic motives in Russian national costumes’. It included several women’s costumes from different social layers. The presentation displayed the colourful costumes and also demonstrated traditional Russian musical instruments like the balalaika.
Through school projects like this many of our students have the chance to see that national costume is not only one of the most precious monuments of folk art and social history, but also one of the richest resources for studying ethnicity and its links with nationality.
Do some research on the national costume for a man or a woman from your region and find or sketch a picture. Send it to us and explain as many of the different elements as you can.
• Do you find national costumes interesting? Why (not)?
• Have you ever worn a national costume?
• Where could you wear a national costume? How do you think you would feel?