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Ответ на Spotlight on Russia, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Spotlight on Russia, Номер 3.
Great Minds
Russians have been exploring space since the 1950s and achieved a number of historic breakthroughs, but it all started much earlier. Three men in particular stand out as space exploration heroes.
Spotlight on Russia learns about the pioneers who led the way to space
Konstantin TsioDtovsky (1857-1935)
Tsiolkovsky was known as the father of human space flight. He was a rocket scientist, an inventor and a pioneer in space research. His work contained the designs for rockets with thrusters, airlocks, multi-stage boosters, sateUites, space suits and even a system for providing food and air to a space colony. He was a man light years ahead of his time and it is thanks to him that Russia was the first nation to cross the final frontier.
Sergei Korolyov (1906-1966)
He was a scientist and the rocket engineer that put the first satellite. Sputnik 1, into space in 1957. He was also the person responsible for Sputnik 2, putting the dog Laika into space and landing the first probe, Luna 2, on the moon. Most of аll, he was the person in charge of the Vostok and Voskhod space programmes which successfully put the first man in space in 196l, allowed the first space walk and led the way for all manned space flights after that Korolyov was a legend in his own time and in ours.
Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968)
He was the first human to go into space and the first man to orbit the Earth on 12th April 1961 in Vostok l. The cosmonaut’s first and only space flight lasted 108 minutes but will be remembered forever. He became an ambassador for Russia travelling the world and telling people of Russian achievements in space.
Choose one of the people in the text and tell your partner about his achievements. Expand this biography to include more details.
• Would you like to go into space? Why (not)?
• What do you think about space tourism?
• What fields of science should a person study to become a scientist? a cosmonaut?
Russians have been exploring space since the 1950s and achieved a number of historic breakthroughs, but it all started much earlier. Three men in particular stand out as space exploration heroes.
Spotlight on Russia learns about the pioneers who led the way to space
Konstantin TsioDtovsky (1857-1935)
Tsiolkovsky was known as the father of human space flight. He was a rocket scientist, an inventor and a pioneer in space research. His work contained the designs for rockets with thrusters, airlocks, multi-stage boosters, sateUites, space suits and even a system for providing food and air to a space colony. He was a man light years ahead of his time and it is thanks to him that Russia was the first nation to cross the final frontier.
Sergei Korolyov (1906-1966)
He was a scientist and the rocket engineer that put the first satellite. Sputnik 1, into space in 1957. He was also the person responsible for Sputnik 2, putting the dog Laika into space and landing the first probe, Luna 2, on the moon. Most of аll, he was the person in charge of the Vostok and Voskhod space programmes which successfully put the first man in space in 196l, allowed the first space walk and led the way for all manned space flights after that Korolyov was a legend in his own time and in ours.
Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968)
He was the first human to go into space and the first man to orbit the Earth on 12th April 1961 in Vostok l. The cosmonaut’s first and only space flight lasted 108 minutes but will be remembered forever. He became an ambassador for Russia travelling the world and telling people of Russian achievements in space.
Choose one of the people in the text and tell your partner about his achievements. Expand this biography to include more details.
• Would you like to go into space? Why (not)?
• What do you think about space tourism?
• What fields of science should a person study to become a scientist? a cosmonaut?