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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 9, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 9, Номер 8.
Idiomatic English
Friends and friendship are extremely important for every teenager. To speak about friends and your relations you may use some word combinations and idioms.
•the best friend
•a close friend
•an old friend
•a good friend
•a trusted friend (never fails you)
•a loyal friend (supports you even when you have problems)
•a soulmate (shares with you your feelings and ideas)
— If you and your friend go back a long time, you have known each other for a long time.
— If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends quickly.
— If your friend stands by you through thick and thin or becomes a tower (pillar) of strength, they always support you even in difficult situations.
— If two friends live in each other’s pockets, they spend too much time together, which may become a disadvantage.
— A fair-weather friend is someone who is only your friend when you are happy or successful.
8 A. Say the same in Russian.
1) We go back a long time, don’t we?
2) He is only a fair-weather friend. Where was he when I needed his help?
3) Jane is a trusted friend. She will stand by you through thick and thin.
4) The two girls lived in each other’s pockets having no time even to call their relatives.
5) We met in a tourist camp and got on like a house on fire.
6) My eldest daughter Marie was a tower of strength for me when I was ill.
7) Julia is my soul mate. She knows all my secrets.
8) Ronald has always been my loyal friend. I’m really thankful to him for his support.
B. Describe some of your friends using the phrases from “Idiomatic English”.
Friends and friendship are extremely important for every teenager. To speak about friends and your relations you may use some word combinations and idioms.
•the best friend
•a close friend
•an old friend
•a good friend
•a trusted friend (never fails you)
•a loyal friend (supports you even when you have problems)
•a soulmate (shares with you your feelings and ideas)
— If you and your friend go back a long time, you have known each other for a long time.
— If two people get on like a house on fire, they like each other very much and become friends quickly.
— If your friend stands by you through thick and thin or becomes a tower (pillar) of strength, they always support you even in difficult situations.
— If two friends live in each other’s pockets, they spend too much time together, which may become a disadvantage.
— A fair-weather friend is someone who is only your friend when you are happy or successful.
8 A. Say the same in Russian.
1) We go back a long time, don’t we?
2) He is only a fair-weather friend. Where was he when I needed his help?
3) Jane is a trusted friend. She will stand by you through thick and thin.
4) The two girls lived in each other’s pockets having no time even to call their relatives.
5) We met in a tourist camp and got on like a house on fire.
6) My eldest daughter Marie was a tower of strength for me when I was ill.
7) Julia is my soul mate. She knows all my secrets.
8) Ronald has always been my loyal friend. I’m really thankful to him for his support.
B. Describe some of your friends using the phrases from “Idiomatic English”.