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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 9, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 9, Номер 1.
1A. Listen to the talk between Silvia and Cindy about uniforms in school. Complete the sentences below.
1) According to Silvia in England people talk a lot about the problem of uniforms in schools
a) talk a lot about the problem of uniforms in schools
b) don’t talk about the problem of uniforms at school at all
c) don’t talk much about this problem
2) Cindy is sure that wearing uniforms at school is not only an advantage but a disadvantage too
a) an advantage
b) a disadvantage
c) not only an advantage but a disadvantage too
3) All pupils in England wear the clothes they like after classes
a) wear the clothes they like in their schools
b) must wear the uniforms of the school they go to when they are at school
c) wear the clothes they like after classes
4) The uniforms in England cost fairly much
a) cost fairly much
b) are rather cheap
c) cost more than families can afford
B. Say:
1) if pupils in your school must wear uniforms;
2) if all of them follow the rule;
3) why many teenagers are against wearing a school uniform;
4) what you feel about wearing a uniform at school.
Consider the following:
•if you agree that wearing uniforms helps to break down the barriers [?b?r??z] between those from well-to-do families and pupils whose families are not very well-off;
•if you think that wearing a uniform gives you a feeling of belonging to your school, develops a sense of pride in pupils;
•if you think that wearing uniforms is necessary for primary school pupils but is not a must for secondary school pupils.
1) According to Silvia in England people talk a lot about the problem of uniforms in schools
a) talk a lot about the problem of uniforms in schools
b) don’t talk about the problem of uniforms at school at all
c) don’t talk much about this problem
2) Cindy is sure that wearing uniforms at school is not only an advantage but a disadvantage too
a) an advantage
b) a disadvantage
c) not only an advantage but a disadvantage too
3) All pupils in England wear the clothes they like after classes
a) wear the clothes they like in their schools
b) must wear the uniforms of the school they go to when they are at school
c) wear the clothes they like after classes
4) The uniforms in England cost fairly much
a) cost fairly much
b) are rather cheap
c) cost more than families can afford
B. Say:
1) if pupils in your school must wear uniforms;
2) if all of them follow the rule;
3) why many teenagers are against wearing a school uniform;
4) what you feel about wearing a uniform at school.
Consider the following:
•if you agree that wearing uniforms helps to break down the barriers [?b?r??z] between those from well-to-do families and pupils whose families are not very well-off;
•if you think that wearing a uniform gives you a feeling of belonging to your school, develops a sense of pride in pupils;
•if you think that wearing uniforms is necessary for primary school pupils but is not a must for secondary school pupils.