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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 8.
Do you know that...?
Racial and ethnic groups are one of the most sensitive topics. Nowadays more and more groups of people prefer to be called by the name they have chosen themselves. For example, many Americans whose families originally came from Africa prefer to be called African-American. But there are others who prefer to be called black because they see themselves as American, not African. At any given time members of a certain racial or ethnic group prefer different terms and the words that were used before become outdated. For example, in books and articles that were written in the middle of the last century you may see expressions like Oriental or Chinaman. Be careful not to use old-fashioned and offensive words like these. Use more acceptable terms, such as Chinese people.
8 Read the text “Racism in Britain” again and answer these questions.
1) When did Britain begin to become a multicultural country and why?
2) Why is it difficult to say that racism in Britain is dead?
3) What does the BNP work for? Do they use only peaceful methods in their activity?
4) What are the BNP’s arguments when they say that blacks and Asians should be repatriated?
5) What is the situation in the labour market in Britain?
6) Can you understand the teenagers who speak about racism and have problems because of their nationality?
7) Do you think it is good or bad for a society to be multicultural? What is the situation like in your country?
8) Do you think racism exists in your society?
Racial and ethnic groups are one of the most sensitive topics. Nowadays more and more groups of people prefer to be called by the name they have chosen themselves. For example, many Americans whose families originally came from Africa prefer to be called African-American. But there are others who prefer to be called black because they see themselves as American, not African. At any given time members of a certain racial or ethnic group prefer different terms and the words that were used before become outdated. For example, in books and articles that were written in the middle of the last century you may see expressions like Oriental or Chinaman. Be careful not to use old-fashioned and offensive words like these. Use more acceptable terms, such as Chinese people.
8 Read the text “Racism in Britain” again and answer these questions.
1) When did Britain begin to become a multicultural country and why?
2) Why is it difficult to say that racism in Britain is dead?
3) What does the BNP work for? Do they use only peaceful methods in their activity?
4) What are the BNP’s arguments when they say that blacks and Asians should be repatriated?
5) What is the situation in the labour market in Britain?
6) Can you understand the teenagers who speak about racism and have problems because of their nationality?
7) Do you think it is good or bad for a society to be multicultural? What is the situation like in your country?
8) Do you think racism exists in your society?