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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 4.
4 Complete the situations by making conclusions.
Example:The train usually arrives at 9 o’clock. Now it is five minutes past nine and we neither see nor hear it. — The train is likely to be late./The train is not likely (unlikely) to be on time.
1) Some time ago the sun was shining and now the sky is covered with heavy dark clouds.
2) Steve is leaving school this year. He is working very hard as he wants to become a doctor.
3) Mary doesn’t look well today and she says she has a headache.
4) I’ve been calling Andrew the whole evening but nobody takes the phone.
5) The new school is nearly ready. There is still some time before the 1st of September.
6) The whole family have gathered in front of the television. They all support the same football team.
7) George enjoys acting, and he is very good at it. He is thinking of an acting career.
8) Fred is busy at the moment. He is helping his old aunt who is very ill. I don’t think we’ll see him this summer.
9) The shop closes at eight. It is five to eight now. What shall we do about the food?
10) The runners are coming to the finishing line. Susan is well ahead of the other athletes.
Example:The train usually arrives at 9 o’clock. Now it is five minutes past nine and we neither see nor hear it. — The train is likely to be late./The train is not likely (unlikely) to be on time.
1) Some time ago the sun was shining and now the sky is covered with heavy dark clouds.
2) Steve is leaving school this year. He is working very hard as he wants to become a doctor.
3) Mary doesn’t look well today and she says she has a headache.
4) I’ve been calling Andrew the whole evening but nobody takes the phone.
5) The new school is nearly ready. There is still some time before the 1st of September.
6) The whole family have gathered in front of the television. They all support the same football team.
7) George enjoys acting, and he is very good at it. He is thinking of an acting career.
8) Fred is busy at the moment. He is helping his old aunt who is very ill. I don’t think we’ll see him this summer.
9) The shop closes at eight. It is five to eight now. What shall we do about the food?
10) The runners are coming to the finishing line. Susan is well ahead of the other athletes.