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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 3, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 3, Номер 8.
8 A. Read the text and say why Mr Spencer was unhappy about Holden’s essay.
Holden Comes to See His Teacher
Part II
“Your exam paper is over there on top of the others. Bring it here, please, ” said old Spencer. It was a very dirty trick, but I went over and brought it over to him — I didn’t have any alternative. At that moment I was sorry that I’d stopped by to say goodbye to him.
“We studied the Egyptians from November 4th to December 2nd, ” he said. “You chose to write about them. Would you like to hear what you had to say?” “No, sir, not very much, ” I said.
He read it anyway, though. You can’t stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.
The Egyptians were an ancient race of Caucasiansliving in one of the northern sections of Africa. The latter as we all know is the largest continent in the Eastern hemisphere.
The Egyptians are extremely interesting to us today for various reasons. Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not rot for centuries. This interesting riddle is still quite a challenge to modern science in thetwentieth century.
He stopped reading and put my paper down. I felt angry and began to hate him. “Your essay ends there, ” he said in his very sarcastic voice. “However, you left me a little note, at the bottom of the page, ” he said.
“I know I did, ” I said. I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldn’t stop him.
DEAR MR SPENCER [he read]. That is all I know about the Egyptians. I am not very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours,
Holden Caulfield.
B. Answer the questions.
1) Did Holden understand that the essay he had written was no good?
2) What was wrong with the essay?
3) Why didn’t Holden want his teacher to read his essay out loud?
4) Why had Holden written a note to Mr Spencer at the bottom of the page?
5) Did his teacher understand him?
6) Why does it often happen that children and grown-ups don’t understand each other? Did it ever happen to you? What is the best way to understanding?
7) How do you understand the term generation gap? Can you give an example of how it works?
8) Do you think the generation gap is a really big problem?
C. Some words in the text may be new to you. What are they? Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings?
Holden Comes to See His Teacher
Part II
“Your exam paper is over there on top of the others. Bring it here, please, ” said old Spencer. It was a very dirty trick, but I went over and brought it over to him — I didn’t have any alternative. At that moment I was sorry that I’d stopped by to say goodbye to him.
“We studied the Egyptians from November 4th to December 2nd, ” he said. “You chose to write about them. Would you like to hear what you had to say?” “No, sir, not very much, ” I said.
He read it anyway, though. You can’t stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.
The Egyptians were an ancient race of Caucasiansliving in one of the northern sections of Africa. The latter as we all know is the largest continent in the Eastern hemisphere.
The Egyptians are extremely interesting to us today for various reasons. Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not rot for centuries. This interesting riddle is still quite a challenge to modern science in thetwentieth century.
He stopped reading and put my paper down. I felt angry and began to hate him. “Your essay ends there, ” he said in his very sarcastic voice. “However, you left me a little note, at the bottom of the page, ” he said.
“I know I did, ” I said. I said it very fast because I wanted to stop him before he started reading that out loud. But you couldn’t stop him.
DEAR MR SPENCER [he read]. That is all I know about the Egyptians. I am not very interested in them although your lectures are very interesting. It is all right with me if you flunk me though as I am flunking everything else except English anyway. Respectfully yours,
Holden Caulfield.
B. Answer the questions.
1) Did Holden understand that the essay he had written was no good?
2) What was wrong with the essay?
3) Why didn’t Holden want his teacher to read his essay out loud?
4) Why had Holden written a note to Mr Spencer at the bottom of the page?
5) Did his teacher understand him?
6) Why does it often happen that children and grown-ups don’t understand each other? Did it ever happen to you? What is the best way to understanding?
7) How do you understand the term generation gap? Can you give an example of how it works?
8) Do you think the generation gap is a really big problem?
C. Some words in the text may be new to you. What are they? Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings?