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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 3, Номер 10 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 3, Номер 10.
10 Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words and write them down.
1) They usually put the number of a page at the bottom of it.
2) If you talk in riddles, no one will understand you.
3) There was an ancient castle at the top of the hill.
4) What is the reason for your decision?
5) The new job was a real challenge for me.
6) The note on the table was from my teacher.
7) I always wrap up gifts before giving them to my friends.
8) The little town was situated in the extreme north, near the cold sea.
9) There were various reasons for staying at home that day.
10) I’m angry with you for telling a lie. That mustn’t happen again.
11) Put your names at the top of your examination papers.
12) Are you angry with me? What did I do wrong?
13) On cold days like today I always wrap a warm scarf round my neck.
14) All the souvenirs were wrapped in colour paper.
1) They usually put the number of a page at the bottom of it.
2) If you talk in riddles, no one will understand you.
3) There was an ancient castle at the top of the hill.
4) What is the reason for your decision?
5) The new job was a real challenge for me.
6) The note on the table was from my teacher.
7) I always wrap up gifts before giving them to my friends.
8) The little town was situated in the extreme north, near the cold sea.
9) There were various reasons for staying at home that day.
10) I’m angry with you for telling a lie. That mustn’t happen again.
11) Put your names at the top of your examination papers.
12) Are you angry with me? What did I do wrong?
13) On cold days like today I always wrap a warm scarf round my neck.
14) All the souvenirs were wrapped in colour paper.