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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 1, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 1, Номер 6.
6 Listen and read.
annoy — досаждать, раздражать
couple — 1) пара; 2) супружеская или влюблённая пара
expect — ожидать, предполагать
mad — 1) сумасшедший, безумный; 2) без ума от чего-либо, в восторге
notice — замечать
prettyadj — хорошенький
prettyadv — достаточно, довольно
rebel— бунтовать, восставать
rebellion— восстание, мятеж, бунт
shake — 1) трясти(сь) ; 2) жать (руку)
Igotbored… — мне надоело
Youcan’thelpit! — Ничего нельзя поделать (нельзя иначе) !
annoy: toannoysomebody, toannoygrown-ups, to annoy parents. I don’t dislike her, but she annoys me sometimes. It really annoys me when you don’t listen to what you are told.
couple: 1) a couple of friends, a couple of things to discuss. A couple of police officers were standing at the door. 2) a happy couple, a married couple, a newly married couple. My father and mother are a happy couple.
expect: to expect somebody/something, to expect a good mark, to expect a letter. I expect that Lucy will pass her exam.
mad: 1) a mad idea, a mad person. He went mad and had to be put into a mental hospital. He was mad with pain. You are driving me mad! 2) to be mad about something. My cousins are mad about football. My family is mad about camping.
notice: to notice somebody/something. She probably won’t even notice I’m gone. Nobody really noticed the changes. Did you notice that Mr Bennet was driving a new car?
pretty adj: a pretty girl, a pretty face. Your little cousin is very pretty.
pretty adv: pretty hard, pretty slow. Your work is pretty good, but it could be better.
rebel (rebelled) : to rebel against somebody/something. It’s natural for teenagers to rebel. Liberal parents often leave their children nothing to rebel against.
rebellion: a military rebellion, a teenage rebellion. The castle was destroyed during the rebellion.
shake (shook, shaken) : 1) to shake slowly, to be shaking all over, to be shaking like a leaf, to shake with laughter. The girls stood shaking with laughter. 2) to shake hands, to shake somebody by the hand. When we met, Mr Johnson shook hands with each of us.
get bored: Steve was getting bored with the game. He got pretty bored with her endless complaints.
can’t/couldn’t help it: You should visit her every day. You can’t help it!
annoy — досаждать, раздражать
couple — 1) пара; 2) супружеская или влюблённая пара
expect — ожидать, предполагать
mad — 1) сумасшедший, безумный; 2) без ума от чего-либо, в восторге
notice — замечать
prettyadj — хорошенький
prettyadv — достаточно, довольно
rebel— бунтовать, восставать
rebellion— восстание, мятеж, бунт
shake — 1) трясти(сь) ; 2) жать (руку)
Igotbored… — мне надоело
Youcan’thelpit! — Ничего нельзя поделать (нельзя иначе) !
annoy: toannoysomebody, toannoygrown-ups, to annoy parents. I don’t dislike her, but she annoys me sometimes. It really annoys me when you don’t listen to what you are told.
couple: 1) a couple of friends, a couple of things to discuss. A couple of police officers were standing at the door. 2) a happy couple, a married couple, a newly married couple. My father and mother are a happy couple.
expect: to expect somebody/something, to expect a good mark, to expect a letter. I expect that Lucy will pass her exam.
mad: 1) a mad idea, a mad person. He went mad and had to be put into a mental hospital. He was mad with pain. You are driving me mad! 2) to be mad about something. My cousins are mad about football. My family is mad about camping.
notice: to notice somebody/something. She probably won’t even notice I’m gone. Nobody really noticed the changes. Did you notice that Mr Bennet was driving a new car?
pretty adj: a pretty girl, a pretty face. Your little cousin is very pretty.
pretty adv: pretty hard, pretty slow. Your work is pretty good, but it could be better.
rebel (rebelled) : to rebel against somebody/something. It’s natural for teenagers to rebel. Liberal parents often leave their children nothing to rebel against.
rebellion: a military rebellion, a teenage rebellion. The castle was destroyed during the rebellion.
shake (shook, shaken) : 1) to shake slowly, to be shaking all over, to be shaking like a leaf, to shake with laughter. The girls stood shaking with laughter. 2) to shake hands, to shake somebody by the hand. When we met, Mr Johnson shook hands with each of us.
get bored: Steve was getting bored with the game. He got pretty bored with her endless complaints.
can’t/couldn’t help it: You should visit her every day. You can’t help it!