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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 1, Номер 10 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 1, Номер 10.
10 Complete these sentences. Make them true.
1) I think I know English pretty well.
2) I can’t help thinking that I couldn’t spend less money buying the car.
3) What usually annoys me is wasting money for silly things.
4) One of my friends is absolutely mad about playing ice hockey.
5) I get terribly bored when I have to read long novels.
6) I feel like rebelling when I speak with my parents
7) I rarely notice how people look at me.
8) I expect that the new year will bring me new emotions.
1) I think I know English pretty well.
2) I can’t help thinking that I couldn’t spend less money buying the car.
3) What usually annoys me is wasting money for silly things.
4) One of my friends is absolutely mad about playing ice hockey.
5) I get terribly bored when I have to read long novels.
6) I feel like rebelling when I speak with my parents
7) I rarely notice how people look at me.
8) I expect that the new year will bring me new emotions.