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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 6, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 6, Номер 5.
5 Complete the sentences about yourself.
1) I have some free time so I can (easily) afford playing the guitar.
2) I don't have enough time to afford reading books
3) I consider organising a party to be great fun.
4) I consider watching TV all day long is terribly boring.
5) I rarely argue with my friends about spending our free time together.
6) I sometimes argue with my parents about buying new clothes.
7) The part of Russia that I would really like to explore is Siberia.
8) The place on the globe I hope to explore is Africa.
9) I never give promise which I can't keep
10) Once I broke a promise, and this is how it happened: I wanted to spend time with my friends going to the cinema but I was too busy with my homework and couldn’t afford going out.
11) Doing well at school was not easy but I managed to do it.
12) I hope that soon I’ll manage earning money by myself.
13) On the one hand, I have to study well but on the other hand shouldn’t forget about helping my parents.
1) I have some free time so I can (easily) afford playing the guitar.
2) I don't have enough time to afford reading books
3) I consider organising a party to be great fun.
4) I consider watching TV all day long is terribly boring.
5) I rarely argue with my friends about spending our free time together.
6) I sometimes argue with my parents about buying new clothes.
7) The part of Russia that I would really like to explore is Siberia.
8) The place on the globe I hope to explore is Africa.
9) I never give promise which I can't keep
10) Once I broke a promise, and this is how it happened: I wanted to spend time with my friends going to the cinema but I was too busy with my homework and couldn’t afford going out.
11) Doing well at school was not easy but I managed to do it.
12) I hope that soon I’ll manage earning money by myself.
13) On the one hand, I have to study well but on the other hand shouldn’t forget about helping my parents.