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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 6, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 6, Номер 3.
3A. Read the texts about some well-known inventions and match them with their names.
a) It is an instrument used to collect light from an object, to bring the light to focus and produce an image, and make that image look larger. There are three kinds of these devices: refractors which use lenses, refractors which use mirrorsand those which use a combination of lenses and mirrors.
b) It is a device that generates “well-organized” light. The mechanism uses a process known as stimulated emission. It generates electromagnetic radiation in a special microwave region. Nowadays these devices are widely used in different ways, among which is medicine. This device is often used to make quick and painless operations.
c) It is a machine tool that takes away unwanted material from a work piece by rotating it against a cutting tool. It is the oldest and probably the most important machine tool. Early wood-turning tools powered by foot were used in the Middle Ages. Modern models work at a very high speed and have a lot of functions.
d) This device is based on a microprocessor, a small chip that performs the operation of a central processing unit. The early kinds of these machines had a rather small memory, typically in the 16—64 kilobyte range. Modern models have memories in the megabyte to gigabyte which is a great improvement.
e) This is a mechanical, electrical or atomic device that measures the passage of time. Mechanical models date from the late Middle Ages. All mechanical models must have a source of energy — for example, a falling weight or a wound spring. All such models must be carefully regulated to make them run accurately. The energy turns a system of wheels that move the hands.
B. In the text there may be words that are new to you. What are the words? What helped you to understand what they mean?
a) It is an instrument used to collect light from an object, to bring the light to focus and produce an image, and make that image look larger. There are three kinds of these devices: refractors which use lenses, refractors which use mirrorsand those which use a combination of lenses and mirrors.
b) It is a device that generates “well-organized” light. The mechanism uses a process known as stimulated emission. It generates electromagnetic radiation in a special microwave region. Nowadays these devices are widely used in different ways, among which is medicine. This device is often used to make quick and painless operations.
c) It is a machine tool that takes away unwanted material from a work piece by rotating it against a cutting tool. It is the oldest and probably the most important machine tool. Early wood-turning tools powered by foot were used in the Middle Ages. Modern models work at a very high speed and have a lot of functions.
d) This device is based on a microprocessor, a small chip that performs the operation of a central processing unit. The early kinds of these machines had a rather small memory, typically in the 16—64 kilobyte range. Modern models have memories in the megabyte to gigabyte which is a great improvement.
e) This is a mechanical, electrical or atomic device that measures the passage of time. Mechanical models date from the late Middle Ages. All mechanical models must have a source of energy — for example, a falling weight or a wound spring. All such models must be carefully regulated to make them run accurately. The energy turns a system of wheels that move the hands.
B. In the text there may be words that are new to you. What are the words? What helped you to understand what they mean?