Ответ на UNIT 6, Step 4, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 5 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, 2013-2021г. на UNIT 6, Step 4, Номер 4. About Russia.
A. Listen, CD (134), and repeat the names of these animals.
1) a wolf [wʊlf] – wolves
2) a hare [heə] – hares
3) a squirrel ['skwɪrəl] – squirrels
4) an elk [elk] – elks
5) a hedgehog ['heʤhɒɡ] – hedgehogs
6) a reindeer ['reɪndɪə] – reindeer
7) a deer [dɪə] – deer
B. Say which of these animals are powerful? clever? strong? weak? big? small? grey? brown? white? Where do they live?
Example: Wolves are strong and powerful animals. They are grey. They live in forests. I think they are clever.
1) a wolf [wʊlf] – wolves
2) a hare [heə] – hares
3) a squirrel ['skwɪrəl] – squirrels
4) an elk [elk] – elks
5) a hedgehog ['heʤhɒɡ] – hedgehogs
6) a reindeer ['reɪndɪə] – reindeer
7) a deer [dɪə] – deer
B. Say which of these animals are powerful? clever? strong? weak? big? small? grey? brown? white? Where do they live?
Example: Wolves are strong and powerful animals. They are grey. They live in forests. I think they are clever.

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