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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 2, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 2, Номер 8.
8 Read the text “Holden Comes to See His Teacher” again and answer the questions.
1) How much do we know about the way Holden looked? How tall was he if 1 foot = 0.3 metre and 1 inch = 2.5 centimetres?
2) Do you think he was sure of himself or was he a self-questioning boy?
3) Did he care about other people’s feelings?
4) Do you think Holden and his parents always understood each other? What makes you think so?
5) What, in your opinion, made Holden “act younger than his age”? Is it typical of teenage children?
6) Why do you think Holden didn’t do well in schools? Does he impress you as a boy who had no talents?
7) Would you like to read the book “The Catcher in the Rye”? Why? Why not?
1) How much do we know about the way Holden looked? How tall was he if 1 foot = 0.3 metre and 1 inch = 2.5 centimetres?
2) Do you think he was sure of himself or was he a self-questioning boy?
3) Did he care about other people’s feelings?
4) Do you think Holden and his parents always understood each other? What makes you think so?
5) What, in your opinion, made Holden “act younger than his age”? Is it typical of teenage children?
6) Why do you think Holden didn’t do well in schools? Does he impress you as a boy who had no talents?
7) Would you like to read the book “The Catcher in the Rye”? Why? Why not?