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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 10, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 10, Номер 3.
3 Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.
In our school we (1) certainly have personal (2) freedom. But we also must keep to the rules. Our school has a “dress code” which means that teens at school are not allowed to wear (3) shapeless clothes, in other words clothes several sizes too big. Due to reasons of morality girls are asked not to wear short skirts and T-shirts that show their stomachs. You can’t find many books in our library, because the school officials find some scenes in the texts immoral or (4) harmful. School newspapers are looked through by our school officials to make sure there are no articles with messages of (5) racism or hatred in them.
4 Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) There were two socks on the sofa but I couldn’t put them on as they were not a pair.
2) The other day Tom told us such a joke that we all shook with laughter.
3) I always touch on these problems when I speak to teenagers.
4) Rachel says Roy is her loyal friend so it is most unlikely that he won’t support her.
5) Whatever I do, she is always angry with me.
6) Why are you shaking all over?
7) There was a beautiful picture at the bottom of the page.
8) I don’t expect you to find out what was wrong in the experiment now.
9) Make him come back whatever he says.
3 Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.
In our school we (1) certainly have personal (2) freedom. But we also must keep to the rules. Our school has a “dress code” which means that teens at school are not allowed to wear (3) shapeless clothes, in other words clothes several sizes too big. Due to reasons of morality girls are asked not to wear short skirts and T-shirts that show their stomachs. You can’t find many books in our library, because the school officials find some scenes in the texts immoral or (4) harmful. School newspapers are looked through by our school officials to make sure there are no articles with messages of (5) racism or hatred in them.
4 Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) There were two socks on the sofa but I couldn’t put them on as they were not a pair.
2) The other day Tom told us such a joke that we all shook with laughter.
3) I always touch on these problems when I speak to teenagers.
4) Rachel says Roy is her loyal friend so it is most unlikely that he won’t support her.
5) Whatever I do, she is always angry with me.
6) Why are you shaking all over?
7) There was a beautiful picture at the bottom of the page.
8) I don’t expect you to find out what was wrong in the experiment now.
9) Make him come back whatever he says.