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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 9, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 9, Номер 3.
3 A. Read the dialogue. Say which of the sentences after it are true, false or not stated.
Should We Spend So Much Money Exploring Space?
Andrew: My short answer to this question is yes. We are part of the universe. I think we must find out what else there is in it.
Boris: Sorry, but I don’t think space discoveries could help us. At least I can’t see how space exploration has helped us so far.
Andrew: Well, it may be that it hasn’t helped a lot. Definitely it hasn’t helped to find a cure for this or that illness. But I am sure we may find something in space that will help us to find such cures in the future or we may discover something else.
Boris: You may be right. But all these advantages are so uncertain and space exploration is so expensive.
Andrew: Oh yes, it is. You’re absolutely right here, but I don’t think we can spend less. We can’t tell the scientists to make it cheaper, and we need to know what is happening in the universe. It might help us to survive. And do you think we should stop exploring space?
Boris: I’m not quite sure but I think we can stop it for a few years and spend the money on more important things.
Andrew: Like what?
Boris: Like pollution, illnesses. We should think about drinking water. In fact, we should spend this money on the Earth’s problems.
1) Andrew is for spending a lot of money on space exploration.
2) Andrew would like to take part in space investigations himself.
3) Boris says space exploration should be stopped for ever.
4) Andrew is sure people can afford to spend a lot of money on space exploration.
5) Boris tells his friend that space exploration is not at all cheap.
6) Boris is for spending more money on doing more real things for our planet.
B. In one or two groups organize a talk about billions spent on space exploration in which some students speak for and some against it. Give examples.
Should We Spend So Much Money Exploring Space?
Andrew: My short answer to this question is yes. We are part of the universe. I think we must find out what else there is in it.
Boris: Sorry, but I don’t think space discoveries could help us. At least I can’t see how space exploration has helped us so far.
Andrew: Well, it may be that it hasn’t helped a lot. Definitely it hasn’t helped to find a cure for this or that illness. But I am sure we may find something in space that will help us to find such cures in the future or we may discover something else.
Boris: You may be right. But all these advantages are so uncertain and space exploration is so expensive.
Andrew: Oh yes, it is. You’re absolutely right here, but I don’t think we can spend less. We can’t tell the scientists to make it cheaper, and we need to know what is happening in the universe. It might help us to survive. And do you think we should stop exploring space?
Boris: I’m not quite sure but I think we can stop it for a few years and spend the money on more important things.
Andrew: Like what?
Boris: Like pollution, illnesses. We should think about drinking water. In fact, we should spend this money on the Earth’s problems.
1) Andrew is for spending a lot of money on space exploration.
2) Andrew would like to take part in space investigations himself.
3) Boris says space exploration should be stopped for ever.
4) Andrew is sure people can afford to spend a lot of money on space exploration.
5) Boris tells his friend that space exploration is not at all cheap.
6) Boris is for spending more money on doing more real things for our planet.
B. In one or two groups organize a talk about billions spent on space exploration in which some students speak for and some against it. Give examples.