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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 7, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 7, Номер 6.
6 Complete the sentences with the new words in their appropriate forms.
1) This family photo shows three generations: myself, my parents and my grandparents.
2) The film was memorable for its fine acting.
3) The book proved very useful and informative.
4) What is your aim in life?
5) I managed to photograph the bird in flight
6) Some people are very hard to satisfy
7) What or who can help to bridge the generation gap between parents and their teenage children?
8) The building is huge; it is much bigger than all the other houses in the street.
9) I’ve done everything you asked; are you satisfied now?
10) The new ship was launched by the queen.
11) How can I prove to you that I’m not lying but telling the truth?
12) Flight BA 447 to Delhi is delayed.
1) This family photo shows three generations: myself, my parents and my grandparents.
2) The film was memorable for its fine acting.
3) The book proved very useful and informative.
4) What is your aim in life?
5) I managed to photograph the bird in flight
6) Some people are very hard to satisfy
7) What or who can help to bridge the generation gap between parents and their teenage children?
8) The building is huge; it is much bigger than all the other houses in the street.
9) I’ve done everything you asked; are you satisfied now?
10) The new ship was launched by the queen.
11) How can I prove to you that I’m not lying but telling the truth?
12) Flight BA 447 to Delhi is delayed.