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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 2 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 2.
2 Choose the appropriate articles (a, the or zero) to complete the sentences.
1) Man began using fire thousands of years ago.
2) The fox is a small dog-like wild animal with a reddish coat and a wide furry tail.
3) Is your doctor a man or a woman?
4) Man must change in a changing world.
5) “Woman” is a popular British magazine for women.
6) People sometimes say, “Elephants never forget”, because they are supposed to remember everything very well.
7) Jim was a nice, hard-working man.
8) My friend was as brave as a lion. When I was with him, I was sure that nothing would happen to me.
9) The dog is supposed to be man’s best friend.
10) The boy tried to be a man and not cry though the pain was very strong.
1) Man began using fire thousands of years ago.
2) The fox is a small dog-like wild animal with a reddish coat and a wide furry tail.
3) Is your doctor a man or a woman?
4) Man must change in a changing world.
5) “Woman” is a popular British magazine for women.
6) People sometimes say, “Elephants never forget”, because they are supposed to remember everything very well.
7) Jim was a nice, hard-working man.
8) My friend was as brave as a lion. When I was with him, I was sure that nothing would happen to me.
9) The dog is supposed to be man’s best friend.
10) The boy tried to be a man and not cry though the pain was very strong.