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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 4, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 4, Номер 1.
1 Listen and match the names of tools and devices with their descriptions.
Tools and Devices
1) Tools we use in the garden:
a) spade; b) rake; c) hoe; d) knife.
2) Tools we use in the factory:
a) saw; b) a pair of tongs; c) hammer d) axe.
3) Devices we use at home:
a) toaster; b) dishwasher; c) washing machine; d) cooker; e) vacuum cleaner; f) iron; g) kettle; h) microwave; i) coffee maker.
Текст аудирования:
People have always been using and improving their tools and devices. It is difficult to imagine life without them. Some of the tools and devices have become very common. See if you know them.
Tools we use in the garden
One. It is one of the oldest tools. We use it to break up the soil and make it soft.
Two. This tool is used for digging earth or sand. It is usually made of metal and has a handle often made of wood. The metal part is pushed into the ground with the foot.
Three. This gardening tool is used for making the soil flat and soft or gathering dead leaves or dry grass.
Four. This is a metal tool or weapon. It is used for cutting. Gardeners often use them to cut off tree branches.
Tools we use in the factory
One. It is a tool with a heavy metal head for striking things or breaking them. This tool is often used by people who work with wood but practically every family has one at home.
Two. This tool can be hand-driven or power-driven. It is used for cutting hard materials, usually wood. It has a lot of sharp teeth on the edge.
Three. This tool has two arms that move. The arms are joined at one end. The tool is used for holding different things.
Four. This is one of the oldest tools. The earliest ones were made of stone. One part of it is made of metal and it is rather heavy. This part has a cutting edge. The tool is used for cutting down trees and chopping wood.
Devices we use at home
One. It is an electrical apparatus for making toast — slices of dried bread usually eaten with butter and jam, honey or marmalade.
Two. It is a machine that washes plates, cups, mugs and other things. They are becoming more and more common and popular but not so many people have them.
Three. It’s an apparatus on which hot food is prepared. It works on gas or electricity and can be found in every modern house.
Four. It’s an electric apparatus which cleans floors, floor covering and furniture by collecting dirt. Modern models are very powerful. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a house or an office without it.
Five. These devices have become very common. They are used for washing clothes. Some of them can not only wash but dry.
Six. This device works on electricity. It is used for shaving hair from face and body. Grown-up men use it a lot.
Tools and Devices
1) Tools we use in the garden:
a) spade; b) rake; c) hoe; d) knife.
2) Tools we use in the factory:
a) saw; b) a pair of tongs; c) hammer d) axe.
3) Devices we use at home:
a) toaster; b) dishwasher; c) washing machine; d) cooker; e) vacuum cleaner; f) iron; g) kettle; h) microwave; i) coffee maker.
Текст аудирования:
People have always been using and improving their tools and devices. It is difficult to imagine life without them. Some of the tools and devices have become very common. See if you know them.
Tools we use in the garden
One. It is one of the oldest tools. We use it to break up the soil and make it soft.
Two. This tool is used for digging earth or sand. It is usually made of metal and has a handle often made of wood. The metal part is pushed into the ground with the foot.
Three. This gardening tool is used for making the soil flat and soft or gathering dead leaves or dry grass.
Four. This is a metal tool or weapon. It is used for cutting. Gardeners often use them to cut off tree branches.
Tools we use in the factory
One. It is a tool with a heavy metal head for striking things or breaking them. This tool is often used by people who work with wood but practically every family has one at home.
Two. This tool can be hand-driven or power-driven. It is used for cutting hard materials, usually wood. It has a lot of sharp teeth on the edge.
Three. This tool has two arms that move. The arms are joined at one end. The tool is used for holding different things.
Four. This is one of the oldest tools. The earliest ones were made of stone. One part of it is made of metal and it is rather heavy. This part has a cutting edge. The tool is used for cutting down trees and chopping wood.
Devices we use at home
One. It is an electrical apparatus for making toast — slices of dried bread usually eaten with butter and jam, honey or marmalade.
Two. It is a machine that washes plates, cups, mugs and other things. They are becoming more and more common and popular but not so many people have them.
Three. It’s an apparatus on which hot food is prepared. It works on gas or electricity and can be found in every modern house.
Four. It’s an electric apparatus which cleans floors, floor covering and furniture by collecting dirt. Modern models are very powerful. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a house or an office without it.
Five. These devices have become very common. They are used for washing clothes. Some of them can not only wash but dry.
Six. This device works on electricity. It is used for shaving hair from face and body. Grown-up men use it a lot.