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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 3, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 3, Номер 3.
3A. Read the text and answer the questions after it.
Текст аудирования:
History of Technology
Part I
The history of technology begins with the use of the stone tools by the earliest humans.
The Old Stone Age, which began about 2.5 million years ago, produced stone tools, the use of fire, spears, the bow and arrows and simple oil lamps.
The New Stone Age, which began about 9, 000 ВС, saw early farming, the use of the digging stick and the wood hoe. The stone tools were improved and stone axes began to be used for cutting down trees. Neolithic people learned to make pots, cloth, baskets, build houses and use early boats.
The Bronze Age beginning about 4, 000 ВС gave birth to agricultural civilization. The use of copper and bronze led to a lot of new techniques and devices. That was the time when trade first appeared. Copper and bronze hand weapons came into use as well as horse-drawn war chariots. Building technology also developed fast during the Bronze Age. That was the time when people began building pyramids, which still impress us. While constructing pyramids, Bronze Age builders solved some of the most difficult problems of construction technologies. They also knew how to irrigate their lands to get good crops.
The Iron Age, which began about 2, 000 ВС, was a new technical era. First of all iron started to be used in making weapons, and iron weapons gave Greece its military power. The Greeks built a large fleet, which they used for trading and for fighting in their wars. Greek builders used stone to produce their noble structures with massive columns.
The skill of Roman engineers is legendary. They learned to build stone arches, domes and aqueducts. Roman engineers constructed the waterwheel to use its power. Even more important was the invention of a heavy plough. This new plough helped the civilization of northern Europe to develop.
1) What four eras in people’s history are mentioned in the text?
2) What were the most important inventions of each era?
3) Which of the things mentioned in the text were new to you?
Текст аудирования:
History of Technology
Part I
The history of technology begins with the use of the stone tools by the earliest humans.
The Old Stone Age, which began about 2.5 million years ago, produced stone tools, the use of fire, spears, the bow and arrows and simple oil lamps.
The New Stone Age, which began about 9, 000 ВС, saw early farming, the use of the digging stick and the wood hoe. The stone tools were improved and stone axes began to be used for cutting down trees. Neolithic people learned to make pots, cloth, baskets, build houses and use early boats.
The Bronze Age beginning about 4, 000 ВС gave birth to agricultural civilization. The use of copper and bronze led to a lot of new techniques and devices. That was the time when trade first appeared. Copper and bronze hand weapons came into use as well as horse-drawn war chariots. Building technology also developed fast during the Bronze Age. That was the time when people began building pyramids, which still impress us. While constructing pyramids, Bronze Age builders solved some of the most difficult problems of construction technologies. They also knew how to irrigate their lands to get good crops.
The Iron Age, which began about 2, 000 ВС, was a new technical era. First of all iron started to be used in making weapons, and iron weapons gave Greece its military power. The Greeks built a large fleet, which they used for trading and for fighting in their wars. Greek builders used stone to produce their noble structures with massive columns.
The skill of Roman engineers is legendary. They learned to build stone arches, domes and aqueducts. Roman engineers constructed the waterwheel to use its power. Even more important was the invention of a heavy plough. This new plough helped the civilization of northern Europe to develop.
1) What four eras in people’s history are mentioned in the text?
2) What were the most important inventions of each era?
3) Which of the things mentioned in the text were new to you?