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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 2, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 2, Номер 5.
5 Listen and read.
construct— строить, сооружать
crop — 1) с/х культура, растение; 2) урожай
device — приспособление
dig — копать
draw — тащить
skill — умение, мастерство
trade — торговля
weapon — оружие
construct: toconstruct a building, to construct a bridge, to construct a sentence. I’m not sure they can construct a road here. There are plans to construct a new bridge across the river.
crop (often plural) : 1) a widely grown crop, fields of crops. Wheat is a widely grown crop in Britain and North America. The main crops in this region were oats and barley. 2) a crop of apples, this year’s crop. They get two crops of rice a year.
device: a modern device, an expensive device. A clock is a device that shows the time. A computer is an important device of nowadays.
dig (dug, dug) : to dig a garden, to dig for gold, to dig a hole, to dig a tunnel. The dog has been digging in that corner for an hour.
draw (drew, drawn) : to draw the train, to draw the net, to draw the curtains open. The horse drew a cart up the hill.
skill: basic computer skills, reading skills, to have great (no) skill in something. Nowadays teachers use more imagination and skill in explaining things to children.
trade: foreign trade, world trade, domestic trade, to develop one’s trade, to work in the tourist trade. It has been a bad year for the trade between our countries. Steps were taken to develop the trade in fruit and vegetables with Spain.
weapon: a powerful weapon, atomic (nuclear) weapons, stones as weapons. A knife can be a weapon.
construct— строить, сооружать
crop — 1) с/х культура, растение; 2) урожай
device — приспособление
dig — копать
draw — тащить
skill — умение, мастерство
trade — торговля
weapon — оружие
construct: toconstruct a building, to construct a bridge, to construct a sentence. I’m not sure they can construct a road here. There are plans to construct a new bridge across the river.
crop (often plural) : 1) a widely grown crop, fields of crops. Wheat is a widely grown crop in Britain and North America. The main crops in this region were oats and barley. 2) a crop of apples, this year’s crop. They get two crops of rice a year.
device: a modern device, an expensive device. A clock is a device that shows the time. A computer is an important device of nowadays.
dig (dug, dug) : to dig a garden, to dig for gold, to dig a hole, to dig a tunnel. The dog has been digging in that corner for an hour.
draw (drew, drawn) : to draw the train, to draw the net, to draw the curtains open. The horse drew a cart up the hill.
skill: basic computer skills, reading skills, to have great (no) skill in something. Nowadays teachers use more imagination and skill in explaining things to children.
trade: foreign trade, world trade, domestic trade, to develop one’s trade, to work in the tourist trade. It has been a bad year for the trade between our countries. Steps were taken to develop the trade in fruit and vegetables with Spain.
weapon: a powerful weapon, atomic (nuclear) weapons, stones as weapons. A knife can be a weapon.