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Ответ на Unit 3, Step 1, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 3, Step 1, Номер 6.
Обратите внимание, что сочетание scienceandtechnology соответствует русскому наука и техника.
Однако чаще существительное technology обозначает технологию, способ, метод, приём (= technique) :
Computer technology, information technology.
We already have the technology to do this.
They are using modern technologies/techniques of business management.
Для обозначения механизмов, различных приспособлений, машин используют существительные machine(s) /machinery:
You can get tea or coffee from the drinks machine.
There is an answering machine in the office.
New machinery has arrived at the factory.
6A. Read the text “What Is Science and What Is Technology” and say what is the main difference between science and technology.
Текст аудирования:
What Is Science and What Is Technology?
What is science? What is technology? These are not easy questions. People don’t often see the difference between them. But they are different though the two are connected. Science studies the physical world. Trying to answer questions about this world of ours scientists ask “what” and “why” questions. “What” questions are usually answered in a rather simple way. For example, we have a question: “What kind of animals live in that pond?” The answer to the question is: “Frogs, fish and reptiles.” “Why” questions are much more difficult, they ask for explanation.
Technology is the use of science for practical purposes especially in industry. Technology is also methods, machines and tools that are used in doing things in a science or profession. Technology often asks “how” questions and answers them. Some technologies cannot function without science, but there are many modern technologies that continued and developed from old technologies without any help of science. It often happened in history that people made things and after that science tried to explain them. For example, first guns appeared and then ballistics as a science did.
During certain periods in history innovations in technology have grown so fast that they resulted in industrial revolutions.
В. Listen to the same text and learn to read it aloud.
C. The marked words in the text may be new to you. Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings?
Обратите внимание, что сочетание scienceandtechnology соответствует русскому наука и техника.
Однако чаще существительное technology обозначает технологию, способ, метод, приём (= technique) :
Computer technology, information technology.
We already have the technology to do this.
They are using modern technologies/techniques of business management.
Для обозначения механизмов, различных приспособлений, машин используют существительные machine(s) /machinery:
You can get tea or coffee from the drinks machine.
There is an answering machine in the office.
New machinery has arrived at the factory.
6A. Read the text “What Is Science and What Is Technology” and say what is the main difference between science and technology.
Текст аудирования:
What Is Science and What Is Technology?
What is science? What is technology? These are not easy questions. People don’t often see the difference between them. But they are different though the two are connected. Science studies the physical world. Trying to answer questions about this world of ours scientists ask “what” and “why” questions. “What” questions are usually answered in a rather simple way. For example, we have a question: “What kind of animals live in that pond?” The answer to the question is: “Frogs, fish and reptiles.” “Why” questions are much more difficult, they ask for explanation.
Technology is the use of science for practical purposes especially in industry. Technology is also methods, machines and tools that are used in doing things in a science or profession. Technology often asks “how” questions and answers them. Some technologies cannot function without science, but there are many modern technologies that continued and developed from old technologies without any help of science. It often happened in history that people made things and after that science tried to explain them. For example, first guns appeared and then ballistics as a science did.
During certain periods in history innovations in technology have grown so fast that they resulted in industrial revolutions.
В. Listen to the same text and learn to read it aloud.
C. The marked words in the text may be new to you. Do you understand what they mean? What helped you to understand their meanings?