Ответ на Unit 2, Step 8, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 2, Step 8, Номер 8.
Idiomatic English
Английский язык обладает развитой системой устойчивых словосочетаний, или идиом. При помощи целого ряда слов образуются яркие, красочные выражения, благодаря которым речь становится более выразительной. Однимизтакихсловявляетсясуществительное mind.
1) to be in two minds about something (doing something) — not to be certain about something or to have difficulty making a decision
I’m in two minds about where to go for my holiday.
2) to bring/call something to mind — to make you remember something or somebody
The newspaper article calls to mind the sad events of two years ago.
3) to change your mind about something — to change your decision or opinion
What made you change your mind about coming with us?
4) to come to one’s mind — to remember something or start thinking about it
I wonder why this idea has never come to my mind.
5) to keep something in mind — to remember something, especially something that will be important in the future
Keep me in mind if you need some help.
6) to be/go out of one’s mind (informal) — to be/become crazy (insane)
He must be out of his mind to believe all these lies.
8A. Think of how you can translate the idioms and examples from the Nota Bene box into Russian.
B. Decide which idioms with mind you can use in the following situations.
1) You’ve been offered a job, but you are not sure that you want it.
2) Somebody has mentioned the name of a very good book and you want to remember the name to be able to buy or borrow this book.
3) A scene in a film you watched reminded you of something that happened to you in your own childhood.
4) First you wanted to go out with your friends, but later you decided against it and stayed at home.
5) Your good friend has done a very silly thing. You say what you think of it openly.
6) You don’t know what to give your mother as a birthday present. Suddenly you have a brilliant idea.
Английский язык обладает развитой системой устойчивых словосочетаний, или идиом. При помощи целого ряда слов образуются яркие, красочные выражения, благодаря которым речь становится более выразительной. Однимизтакихсловявляетсясуществительное mind.
1) to be in two minds about something (doing something) — not to be certain about something or to have difficulty making a decision
I’m in two minds about where to go for my holiday.
2) to bring/call something to mind — to make you remember something or somebody
The newspaper article calls to mind the sad events of two years ago.
3) to change your mind about something — to change your decision or opinion
What made you change your mind about coming with us?
4) to come to one’s mind — to remember something or start thinking about it
I wonder why this idea has never come to my mind.
5) to keep something in mind — to remember something, especially something that will be important in the future
Keep me in mind if you need some help.
6) to be/go out of one’s mind (informal) — to be/become crazy (insane)
He must be out of his mind to believe all these lies.
8A. Think of how you can translate the idioms and examples from the Nota Bene box into Russian.
B. Decide which idioms with mind you can use in the following situations.
1) You’ve been offered a job, but you are not sure that you want it.
2) Somebody has mentioned the name of a very good book and you want to remember the name to be able to buy or borrow this book.
3) A scene in a film you watched reminded you of something that happened to you in your own childhood.
4) First you wanted to go out with your friends, but later you decided against it and stayed at home.
5) Your good friend has done a very silly thing. You say what you think of it openly.
6) You don’t know what to give your mother as a birthday present. Suddenly you have a brilliant idea.
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