Ответ на Unit 1, Step 5, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 9 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 1, Step 5, Номер 5.
5 Listen and read.
Humiliate — унижать
instead — вместо
rude — грубый, невоспитанный
shame — стыд
shoot — 1) стрелять; 2) снимать (фильм), фотографировать
society — общество
spoil — 1) испортить; 2) избаловать
spy — шпионить
threat — опасность, угроза
humiliate: to humiliate children, to feel humiliated. It’s very wrong to humiliate people. There’s no reason for you to feel humiliated.
instead (of) (adv) : I don’t like coffee, could I, please, have tea instead? You should be doing your room instead of watching television.
rude: rude words, rude behaviour, a rude joke. His mother told him not to use rude words. It was very rude of her to leave without telling us.
shame: without shame, a great shame, to feel (no) shame at something, to bring shame on someone. Sadly, Jake felt no shame at his behaviour. To their shame, they were wrong. The people who did it should hang their heads in shame.
shoot (shot, shot) : 1) to shoot at something (someone), to shoot someone dead. He shot at the bird, but missed it. (Compare: He shot the bird and killed it.) We heard on the news that the famous politician had been shot. 2) to shoot a film, to shoot a picture. The film was shot in the Russian north.
society: a modern society, today’s society, a multicultural society, an industrial society. Bad drivers are a danger to society. My grandmother enjoys the society of young people.
spoil: 1) to spoil the picture, to spoil the view. If it starts raining, it will spoil the whole fun. 2) to spoil a child. Stop saying “yes” all the time — you’re spoiling the girl. It’s Mother’s Day — let them spoil you a little!
spy (spied, spied) : to spy for somebody, to spy on somebody. I have a feeling that somebody is spying on me.
threat: a threat of rain, a threat of war. All over the world people remember about the threat of terrorism.
Humiliate — унижать
instead — вместо
rude — грубый, невоспитанный
shame — стыд
shoot — 1) стрелять; 2) снимать (фильм), фотографировать
society — общество
spoil — 1) испортить; 2) избаловать
spy — шпионить
threat — опасность, угроза
humiliate: to humiliate children, to feel humiliated. It’s very wrong to humiliate people. There’s no reason for you to feel humiliated.
instead (of) (adv) : I don’t like coffee, could I, please, have tea instead? You should be doing your room instead of watching television.
rude: rude words, rude behaviour, a rude joke. His mother told him not to use rude words. It was very rude of her to leave without telling us.
shame: without shame, a great shame, to feel (no) shame at something, to bring shame on someone. Sadly, Jake felt no shame at his behaviour. To their shame, they were wrong. The people who did it should hang their heads in shame.
shoot (shot, shot) : 1) to shoot at something (someone), to shoot someone dead. He shot at the bird, but missed it. (Compare: He shot the bird and killed it.) We heard on the news that the famous politician had been shot. 2) to shoot a film, to shoot a picture. The film was shot in the Russian north.
society: a modern society, today’s society, a multicultural society, an industrial society. Bad drivers are a danger to society. My grandmother enjoys the society of young people.
spoil: 1) to spoil the picture, to spoil the view. If it starts raining, it will spoil the whole fun. 2) to spoil a child. Stop saying “yes” all the time — you’re spoiling the girl. It’s Mother’s Day — let them spoil you a little!
spy (spied, spied) : to spy for somebody, to spy on somebody. I have a feeling that somebody is spying on me.
threat: a threat of rain, a threat of war. All over the world people remember about the threat of terrorism.
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