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Ответ на Song Sheets, Module 2, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Song Sheets, Module 2, Номер 1.
1 Look at the title and the key phrases. What is the song about? Read, listen and check.
• play their part • in need • make a difference
• good deed • spare time • find a way
• seem fair • give away • feed the poor
Change the world today
Everyone can play their part
To help all those in need
You can make a difference
With just a small good deed
You might not have much money
Or much spare time to give
But you can still help others
You can change the way they live
Give something to charity
You can find a way
You can help so easily
Change the world today
We have far more than we need
Which doesn't quite seem fair
You have books that you don't read
And clothes you never wear
Someone else could use the things
You don't need anymore
Little things you give away
Can help to feed the poor
• play their part • in need • make a difference
• good deed • spare time • find a way
• seem fair • give away • feed the poor
Change the world today
Everyone can play their part
To help all those in need
You can make a difference
With just a small good deed
You might not have much money
Or much spare time to give
But you can still help others
You can change the way they live
Give something to charity
You can find a way
You can help so easily
Change the world today
We have far more than we need
Which doesn't quite seem fair
You have books that you don't read
And clothes you never wear
Someone else could use the things
You don't need anymore
Little things you give away
Can help to feed the poor