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Ответ на Module 8, Страница 124-125, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Module 8, Страница 124-125, Номер 6. 8b Listening & Speaking.
6a Read sentences A-G. What is the dialogue about?
b Read the dialogue and complete the missing sentences. Listen and check. In pairs, read the dialogue aloud.
Ann: Are you doing anything after school, John?
Bob: Yes, I'm going to play tennis.
Ann: Really? Where are you going to play?
Bob: 1 .........
Ann: Oh, I didn't know there were courts there.
Bob: They're not easy to see from the street. 2 ....
Ann: Yes, I love tennis. I used to play a bit in my old town.
Bob: 3 .........
Ann: I'm not bad.
Bob: Good! 4 .........
Ann: I'd love to but I don't have my racquet with me.
Bob: That's all right. 5 .........
Ann: Great! Shall we meet outside school then?
A Do you fancy coming along?
В Are you any good at it?
С I'm afraid I can't join you today.
D You can borrow my spare one.
E At the courts just behind my house.
F Do you like tennis?
G I can lend you my trainers.
b Read the dialogue and complete the missing sentences. Listen and check. In pairs, read the dialogue aloud.
Ann: Are you doing anything after school, John?
Bob: Yes, I'm going to play tennis.
Ann: Really? Where are you going to play?
Bob: 1 .........
Ann: Oh, I didn't know there were courts there.
Bob: They're not easy to see from the street. 2 ....
Ann: Yes, I love tennis. I used to play a bit in my old town.
Bob: 3 .........
Ann: I'm not bad.
Bob: Good! 4 .........
Ann: I'd love to but I don't have my racquet with me.
Bob: That's all right. 5 .........
Ann: Great! Shall we meet outside school then?
A Do you fancy coming along?
В Are you any good at it?
С I'm afraid I can't join you today.
D You can borrow my spare one.
E At the courts just behind my house.
F Do you like tennis?
G I can lend you my trainers.