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Ответ на Module 7, Страница 118-119, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Module 7, Страница 118-119, Номер 3. ICT Across the Curriculum.
3a Match the words to their meanings below.
a information
b computer programs
с copying someone else's work and saying it is yours
d network of electrical wires
e secret entry codes
f many people use the same data and materials
g harmful programs that destroy information on
a computer system
h machines and devices a computer uses
Networks are groups of computers, software and hardware that are all connected to help the users work together. They are typically found in businesses, schools and colleges, Internet cafes and libraries. A network connects computers by using cabling systems, special software and devices that handle the flow of data. A network allows users to share files and resources, such as printers, as well as send email to each other. So, as with any other shared resource, it is important to be responsible and think about other 5 users. There are a number of things to keep In mind when using a computer network, such as:
• Do not share computer passwords.
• Do not overuse resources such as online connection time or printers,
• Use it only to help you with your studies.
• Do not use it for anything illegal, unethical or dishonest e.g. bullying other students or damaging 10 equipment.
• Do not copy other people's work - either other students' or online information. This is called plagiarism and has serious consequences especially concerning copyrighted material. Remember information on the Internet may not always be copyrighted, but it is there to give you the facts and ideas for your own piece of writing and NOT to be copied and pasted into a new document. 15
• Do not install any software without permission.
• Be aware of computer viruses and try to protect the network from them by following security procedures.
b How are the words in Ex. 3a related to a computer network? Listen and read to find out.
a information
b computer programs
с copying someone else's work and saying it is yours
d network of electrical wires
e secret entry codes
f many people use the same data and materials
g harmful programs that destroy information on
a computer system
h machines and devices a computer uses
Networks are groups of computers, software and hardware that are all connected to help the users work together. They are typically found in businesses, schools and colleges, Internet cafes and libraries. A network connects computers by using cabling systems, special software and devices that handle the flow of data. A network allows users to share files and resources, such as printers, as well as send email to each other. So, as with any other shared resource, it is important to be responsible and think about other 5 users. There are a number of things to keep In mind when using a computer network, such as:
• Do not share computer passwords.
• Do not overuse resources such as online connection time or printers,
• Use it only to help you with your studies.
• Do not use it for anything illegal, unethical or dishonest e.g. bullying other students or damaging 10 equipment.
• Do not copy other people's work - either other students' or online information. This is called plagiarism and has serious consequences especially concerning copyrighted material. Remember information on the Internet may not always be copyrighted, but it is there to give you the facts and ideas for your own piece of writing and NOT to be copied and pasted into a new document. 15
• Do not install any software without permission.
• Be aware of computer viruses and try to protect the network from them by following security procedures.
b How are the words in Ex. 3a related to a computer network? Listen and read to find out.