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Ответ на Module 6, Страница 98-99, Номер 8 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Module 6, Страница 98-99, Номер 8. 6e Writing Skills.Условие
8 Imagine you spent three weeks at your English penfriend's house. Write a letter to the family thanking them for their hospitality. Use the letter in Ex. 2 as a model. Follow the plan.
Dear Mr and Mrs......(your penfriend's parents' surname),
Para 1: reason(s) for writing
Para 2: express gratitude for room/excellent food/sightseeing/ hospitality/etc
Para 3: explain how your English has improved
Para 4: thank again, invite family to visit you
Best regards,
......(your first name)
Study skills
Proofreading a written text
Proofreading focuses on mechanics not on content, message and style.
• Double check for errors you know you repeat e.g. misspelling (accommodate instead of accommodate, form instead of from), missing words (I've selected... instead of I've been selected...).
• Read aloud word for word as it is possible to hear a mistake you have not seen.
• Read slowly. Read what is actually on the page not what you think is there.
Proofreading a piece of writing helps improve the quality of the written text.
Dear Mr and Mrs......(your penfriend's parents' surname),
Para 1: reason(s) for writing
Para 2: express gratitude for room/excellent food/sightseeing/ hospitality/etc
Para 3: explain how your English has improved
Para 4: thank again, invite family to visit you
Best regards,
......(your first name)
Study skills
Proofreading a written text
Proofreading focuses on mechanics not on content, message and style.
• Double check for errors you know you repeat e.g. misspelling (accommodate instead of accommodate, form instead of from), missing words (I've selected... instead of I've been selected...).
• Read aloud word for word as it is possible to hear a mistake you have not seen.
• Read slowly. Read what is actually on the page not what you think is there.
Proofreading a piece of writing helps improve the quality of the written text.