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Ответ на Grammar Check, Module 4, Номер 1 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Grammar Check, Module 4, Номер 1.
1 Rewrite the sentences by putting the verbs in the Passive Voice.
1 The Mayor will open the new library tomorrow.
2 Versarce created the costumes for the play.
3 Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
4 They will arrange a meeting for next week.
5 No one has translated this play yet.
6 In France they hold elections for President every five years.
7 Advertising influences a lot of people.
8 You should send this fax right away.
9 They found him guilty of murder.
10 You cannot take pets into the theatre.
1 The Mayor will open the new library tomorrow.
2 Versarce created the costumes for the play.
3 Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
4 They will arrange a meeting for next week.
5 No one has translated this play yet.
6 In France they hold elections for President every five years.
7 Advertising influences a lot of people.
8 You should send this fax right away.
9 They found him guilty of murder.
10 You cannot take pets into the theatre.