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Ответ на Grammar Check, Module 1, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Grammar Check, Module 1, Номер 4.
4 Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous, Present Prefect, Present Prefect Continuous.
Greetings from London!
The weather here 0) is fine. I 1) am sitting in a cafe right now with Jill. She 2) is drinking a hot cup of English tea. We 3) have been walking since morning so now we 4) are feeling really tired.
We 5) are having a great time here! We 6) are staying in a nice hotel in the heart of the city. We 7) get up early every day and 8) spend most of our time sightseeing. We 9) have already visited The Tower of London and London Dungeon. We 10) mean to visit Madam Tussaud's but we 11) have not been able to make time to visit it yet. Later tonight, we 12) are going to the theatre. London is a wonderful city!
I 13) am looking forward to showing you all my photos when I 14) get home.
Greetings from London!
The weather here 0) is fine. I 1) am sitting in a cafe right now with Jill. She 2) is drinking a hot cup of English tea. We 3) have been walking since morning so now we 4) are feeling really tired.
We 5) are having a great time here! We 6) are staying in a nice hotel in the heart of the city. We 7) get up early every day and 8) spend most of our time sightseeing. We 9) have already visited The Tower of London and London Dungeon. We 10) mean to visit Madam Tussaud's but we 11) have not been able to make time to visit it yet. Later tonight, we 12) are going to the theatre. London is a wonderful city!
I 13) am looking forward to showing you all my photos when I 14) get home.