Ответ на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 8 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на Unit 4, Step 6, Номер 5.
5 Listen, (70), and read.
death — смерть, гибель
duty — долг, обязанность
event — событие
responsible — ответственный
sense — 1) чувство; 2) смысл
sensible — разумный, благоразумный
share — делить, разделять
wisdom — мудрость
death: an early death, a tragic death. He was saved from an almost certain death. Her death came at the age of 86.
duty: a family duty, to do one’s duty, to have a duty. It’s a duty of every team member to do their best. He felt it was his moral duty to help his neighbour.
event: a happy event, a historic event, to celebrate an event. What were the main events of the school year? Today is Ben’s birthday and there will be a party to celebrate the event.
responsible: to be/become responsible for something, fully/wholly responsible. They are responsible for the cooking. Who is responsible for the mistake? I knew Jane as a very responsible person.
sense: 1) a great/strong/deep sense, a sense of duty, a sense of humour. Though he can’t see, he learns a lot through his other senses. 2) common sense, to make (no) sense. What Jack tells us makes no sense, sensible: sensible words, sensible behaviour, sensible clothes, sensible shoes. Keeping a diary was a sensible thing to do.
share: to agree to share, to share among the children, to share the cake between the friends. Every time he comes back home he shares his impressions of the trip with us. We shared the money between the two of us.
wisdom: great wisdom, words of wisdom. He doesn’t have enough wisdom to become a politician.
death — смерть, гибель
duty — долг, обязанность
event — событие
responsible — ответственный
sense — 1) чувство; 2) смысл
sensible — разумный, благоразумный
share — делить, разделять
wisdom — мудрость
death: an early death, a tragic death. He was saved from an almost certain death. Her death came at the age of 86.
duty: a family duty, to do one’s duty, to have a duty. It’s a duty of every team member to do their best. He felt it was his moral duty to help his neighbour.
event: a happy event, a historic event, to celebrate an event. What were the main events of the school year? Today is Ben’s birthday and there will be a party to celebrate the event.
responsible: to be/become responsible for something, fully/wholly responsible. They are responsible for the cooking. Who is responsible for the mistake? I knew Jane as a very responsible person.
sense: 1) a great/strong/deep sense, a sense of duty, a sense of humour. Though he can’t see, he learns a lot through his other senses. 2) common sense, to make (no) sense. What Jack tells us makes no sense, sensible: sensible words, sensible behaviour, sensible clothes, sensible shoes. Keeping a diary was a sensible thing to do.
share: to agree to share, to share among the children, to share the cake between the friends. Every time he comes back home he shares his impressions of the trip with us. We shared the money between the two of us.
wisdom: great wisdom, words of wisdom. He doesn’t have enough wisdom to become a politician.
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