Ответ на Module 9, Страница 86-87, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов Ю.Е. Ваулина, Просвещение, 2006-2021г. на Module 9, Страница 86-87, Номер 3. 9a You are what you eat!.
Издание: Английский язык. 7 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательный организаций. Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подолянко, В. Эванс. - 11 издание, Просвещение, 2019г.


Look at the title of the quiz. Which of the phrases do you think best describes you? Complete the quiz and check. Then explain the words/phrases in bold.
Are you a junk food junkie or a health food nut?
1. You’re always starving when you get home from school! What snack do you choose?
A. A bowl of cereal or a banana.
B. It depends. One day a few biscuits, the next day a piece of toast!
C. A bar of chocolate or a packet of crisps.
2. You’re having lunch in the school canteen today. What do you choose?
A. Grilled fish with rice and vegetables.
B. A tuna and mayonnaise sandwich and a small ice cream.
C. A hamburger, some chips and a can of fizzy drink.
3. There isn’t any food in the house, so you decide to order a takeaway. What do you order?
A. A grilled chicken burger and a salad.
B. An Indian curry with rice.
C. A family−sized pizza and a bottle of cola.
4. Your parents send you to the supermarket to buy a dessert. What’s in your basket?
A. Some yoghurt and a jar of honey.
B. A carton of low−fat ice cream.
C. Double chocolate cake and cream.
Your score
Mostly A’s: What a nut! You always make excellent food choices. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while!
Mostly B’s: You’re neither a junkie nor a nut! You know that a little junk food doesn’t hurt, but you don’t go over the top!
Mostly C’s: You’re a total junk food junkie! Choose the healthy option from time to time otherwise your health will suffer!

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Фото подробного решения: Module 9, Страница 86-87, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight)

Решение №2

Фото решения 1: Module 9, Страница 86-87, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Ваулина (Учебник Spotlight) г.

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