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Ответ на Homework №28, Unit 2 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Биболетова (Учебник Enjoy)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева, 2008-2019г. на Homework №28, Unit 2. Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers' Comptetition.
Put the verbs given in brackets in Present Simple Passive.
Example: The actor ... always ... to sing at the concerts, (ask) — The actor is always asked to sing at the concerts.
1. The post office on Sundays, (to close)
2. A. Vainer’s detective stories abroad. (to read)
3. This holiday in most English-speaking countries. (to celebrate)
4. The fruit salad of bananas and peaches. (to make)
5. The verbs “know, want, like, hate” ... not ... in Continuous tenses, (to use)
Example: The actor ... always ... to sing at the concerts, (ask) — The actor is always asked to sing at the concerts.
1. The post office on Sundays, (to close)
2. A. Vainer’s detective stories abroad. (to read)
3. This holiday in most English-speaking countries. (to celebrate)
4. The fruit salad of bananas and peaches. (to make)
5. The verbs “know, want, like, hate” ... not ... in Continuous tenses, (to use)