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Ответ на Homework №12, Unit 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Биболетова (Учебник Enjoy)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева, 2008-2019г. на Homework №12, Unit 3. Look at Teenage Problems: School Education.
Find the opposites. Write them down in pairs.
Example: to turn right — to turn left
to get on, to go straight, to turn right, often, far from, up, across, seldom, to turn left, in front of, on the left, down, never, to get off, to turn, always, along, behind, on the right, next to
Example: to turn right — to turn left
to get on, to go straight, to turn right, often, far from, up, across, seldom, to turn left, in front of, on the left, down, never, to get off, to turn, always, along, behind, on the right, next to