Ответ на UNIT 6, Step 6, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 6, Step 6, Номер 4. Living Healthy.
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cure [kjʊə] − излечивать, вылечивать
examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn] − 1. экзаменовать 2. осматривать, изучать
habit [ˈhæbɪt] − привычка
hard [hɑ:d] − adj трудный, тяжёлый, упорный; adv тяжело, упорно, изо всех сил
lose [lu:z] − 1. терять 2. проигрывать
patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] − пациент
swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] − глотать
weigh [weɪ] − 1. весить 2. взвешивать
weight [weɪt] − вес
do one’s best [best] − стараться изо всех сил
cure: to cure a disease, to cure somebody of someting. Nothing can cure her of her headaches. There is no medicine to cure diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbi:tɪz].
examine: to examine a student, to examine a patient. My doctor examined my throat and prescribed a medicine for my cough. It took Dr Harris about ten minutes to examine his patient.
habit: a good habit, a terrible habit, to give up a habit. You should develop healthy eating habits. Smoking is a very bad habit, give it up as soon as you can.
hard adj: hard work, a hard day, hard life. It’s hard to believe that we are leaving this place and will never come back.
hard adv: to work hard, to breathe hard, to fight hard. I was trying hard to remember her name.
lose (lost, lost): 1. to lose money, to lose a pen. Mike lost his job last year. 2. to lose a game, to lose a match. The boys are so sad because they’ve lost an important football match.
patient: a new patient. The number of patients in the hospital is larger than usual at the moment.
swallow: to swallow a tablet. It hurts to swallow. Irene had a cold and it hurt her to swallow. Swallow your medicine!
weigh: 1. to weigh much, to weigh little. The baby weighs three kilos. 2. to weigh a box, to weigh a baby. The shop assistant weighed the tomatoes for me.
weight: the weight of a box, in weight, to lose weight, to put on weight. The bag was 12 kilos in weight. Have you lost weight lately? James needs to put on some weight, he is very thin.
do one’s best: I’m doing my best to be a good son and a good brother. She says she’ll do her best to give up the bad habit of eating too much.
cure [kjʊə] − излечивать, вылечивать
examine [ɪɡˈzæmɪn] − 1. экзаменовать 2. осматривать, изучать
habit [ˈhæbɪt] − привычка
hard [hɑ:d] − adj трудный, тяжёлый, упорный; adv тяжело, упорно, изо всех сил
lose [lu:z] − 1. терять 2. проигрывать
patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] − пациент
swallow [ˈswɒləʊ] − глотать
weigh [weɪ] − 1. весить 2. взвешивать
weight [weɪt] − вес
do one’s best [best] − стараться изо всех сил
cure: to cure a disease, to cure somebody of someting. Nothing can cure her of her headaches. There is no medicine to cure diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbi:tɪz].
examine: to examine a student, to examine a patient. My doctor examined my throat and prescribed a medicine for my cough. It took Dr Harris about ten minutes to examine his patient.
habit: a good habit, a terrible habit, to give up a habit. You should develop healthy eating habits. Smoking is a very bad habit, give it up as soon as you can.
hard adj: hard work, a hard day, hard life. It’s hard to believe that we are leaving this place and will never come back.
hard adv: to work hard, to breathe hard, to fight hard. I was trying hard to remember her name.
lose (lost, lost): 1. to lose money, to lose a pen. Mike lost his job last year. 2. to lose a game, to lose a match. The boys are so sad because they’ve lost an important football match.
patient: a new patient. The number of patients in the hospital is larger than usual at the moment.
swallow: to swallow a tablet. It hurts to swallow. Irene had a cold and it hurt her to swallow. Swallow your medicine!
weigh: 1. to weigh much, to weigh little. The baby weighs three kilos. 2. to weigh a box, to weigh a baby. The shop assistant weighed the tomatoes for me.
weight: the weight of a box, in weight, to lose weight, to put on weight. The bag was 12 kilos in weight. Have you lost weight lately? James needs to put on some weight, he is very thin.
do one’s best: I’m doing my best to be a good son and a good brother. She says she’ll do her best to give up the bad habit of eating too much.
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