Ответ на UNIT 6, Step 4, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 6, Step 4, Номер 5. Living Healthy.
Listen, CD (110), and read.
ache [eɪk] – боль (ноющая, тупая, обычно не очень сильная)
cough [kɒf] – n кашель; v кашлять
hurt [ hɜ:t] – 1. ушибить, ударить 2. причинить боль
medicine ['medsən] – 1. медицина 2. лекарство
pain [peɪn] – боль (часто сильная)
prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] – прописывать
recover [rɪ'kʌvə] – выздоравливать
sneeze [sni:z] – чихать
ache: a headache, (a) backache, (a) stomachache, toothache, earache. Tanya is ill, she has a high temperature and a bad headache. Chocolate gives me toothache.
cough n: to have a bad cough, to give a cough. James has been ill for two weeks but he still has a bad cough. She gave a cough and answered.
cough v: to cough badly. You are coughing a lot − I think you smoke too much.
hurt (hurt, hurt): 1. to hurt one’s arm. He hurt his leg when he fell. I’ve hurt my toe. 2. My foot hurts. Where does it hurt? It hurts to walk.
medicine: 1. to study medicine. Sandra studied medicine for five years to become a doctor. 2. to take a medicine for a high temperature. Penicillin is a medicine. What medicine do you take for a headache?
pain: a pain in the leg, to have a pain in one’s right side, to have a terrible pain. John was having a pain in his left side.
prescribe: to prescribe a medicine for one’s earache. The doctor prescribed John some medicine for his cough.
recover: to recover soon, to recover from a serious illness. John is ill. He has a cold, but I’m sure he will recover soon.
sneeze: to sneeze badly. There was a lot of pepper in the salad and Mike began to sneeze.
ache [eɪk] – боль (ноющая, тупая, обычно не очень сильная)
cough [kɒf] – n кашель; v кашлять
hurt [ hɜ:t] – 1. ушибить, ударить 2. причинить боль
medicine ['medsən] – 1. медицина 2. лекарство
pain [peɪn] – боль (часто сильная)
prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] – прописывать
recover [rɪ'kʌvə] – выздоравливать
sneeze [sni:z] – чихать
ache: a headache, (a) backache, (a) stomachache, toothache, earache. Tanya is ill, she has a high temperature and a bad headache. Chocolate gives me toothache.
cough n: to have a bad cough, to give a cough. James has been ill for two weeks but he still has a bad cough. She gave a cough and answered.
cough v: to cough badly. You are coughing a lot − I think you smoke too much.
hurt (hurt, hurt): 1. to hurt one’s arm. He hurt his leg when he fell. I’ve hurt my toe. 2. My foot hurts. Where does it hurt? It hurts to walk.
medicine: 1. to study medicine. Sandra studied medicine for five years to become a doctor. 2. to take a medicine for a high temperature. Penicillin is a medicine. What medicine do you take for a headache?
pain: a pain in the leg, to have a pain in one’s right side, to have a terrible pain. John was having a pain in his left side.
prescribe: to prescribe a medicine for one’s earache. The doctor prescribed John some medicine for his cough.
recover: to recover soon, to recover from a serious illness. John is ill. He has a cold, but I’m sure he will recover soon.
sneeze: to sneeze badly. There was a lot of pepper in the salad and Mike began to sneeze.
Решение №1
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