Ответ на UNIT 4, Step 5, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 4, Step 5, Номер 6. Living Things Around Us.
A. Say what you know about primates [ˈpraɪmeɪts].
B. Listen, CD (69), read the text and say what new information you’ve got from it.
Our Close Relatives
Apes are the closest relatives of humans. For a long time people thought that monkeys and apes belonged to the same species of animals, but scientifically speaking it is not so. Monkeys are smaller than apes, they have long tails which they often use as an extra “hand”. They easily use both their hands and feet if they want to take something.
Monkeys and apes are primates. They live in the tropics, especially in rainforests. Apes and monkeys are common in tropical Africa and Asia. Monkeys also live in South America.
Probably the most interesting of all are great apes. This group includes the chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan. Apes are the only primates that are humanlike. They look like us, are tailless and have the same diseases as people.
All apes sleep at night. Some of them make platforms in the trees, others make nests on the ground. Apes mostly eat plants and sometimes kill small animals, like insects, for food. Chimpanzees and gorillas spend more time on the ground than in the trees and walk on all fours.
Apes have just one young, or, from time to time, twins. They travel in family groups of 30 or 40. Apes live 30 years or more. They carry their babies in one arm like human mothers or place them on their backs.
Chimps are very curious and often friendly and peaceful. Gorillas become aggressive only when they defend their territory.
Apes are very clever animals, second only to humans. They can understand the vocabulary of up to several hundred words and symbols. Chimps often use branches, stones and boxes on which they stand to get their food. Some scientists even believe that apes can count.
B. Listen, CD (69), read the text and say what new information you’ve got from it.
Our Close Relatives
Apes are the closest relatives of humans. For a long time people thought that monkeys and apes belonged to the same species of animals, but scientifically speaking it is not so. Monkeys are smaller than apes, they have long tails which they often use as an extra “hand”. They easily use both their hands and feet if they want to take something.
Monkeys and apes are primates. They live in the tropics, especially in rainforests. Apes and monkeys are common in tropical Africa and Asia. Monkeys also live in South America.
Probably the most interesting of all are great apes. This group includes the chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan. Apes are the only primates that are humanlike. They look like us, are tailless and have the same diseases as people.
All apes sleep at night. Some of them make platforms in the trees, others make nests on the ground. Apes mostly eat plants and sometimes kill small animals, like insects, for food. Chimpanzees and gorillas spend more time on the ground than in the trees and walk on all fours.
Apes have just one young, or, from time to time, twins. They travel in family groups of 30 or 40. Apes live 30 years or more. They carry their babies in one arm like human mothers or place them on their backs.
Chimps are very curious and often friendly and peaceful. Gorillas become aggressive only when they defend their territory.
Apes are very clever animals, second only to humans. They can understand the vocabulary of up to several hundred words and symbols. Chimps often use branches, stones and boxes on which they stand to get their food. Some scientists even believe that apes can count.

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