Ответ на UNIT 4, Step 4, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 4, Step 4, Номер 4. Living Things Around Us.
Read the text and say what new information you found in it. Say which of the statements after the text are true.
Language of Birds
The song of birds is one of the most wonderful sounds. Probably the best singer is the nightingale.
Sometimes when we are out in the country, we hear birds making some sounds and we may think they are telling one another something. The fact is that birds have their own language, just as many other animals do but their language is different from people’s language. We use words and people must know these words, they should learn them. Birds don’t learn their language. They are able to sing, “to talk” because they can make sounds and noises. It is an instinct with them. Let’s take a chick from its parents so that it can’t hear the sounds they make. When the chick grows up, it will still be able to make the same sounds as its parents. But birds can’t learn “other languages”. Some birds like parrots, crows, jackdaws are talented imitators [ˈɪmɪteɪtəz]. They imitate the speech of people and other animals. A lot of birds can learn other birds’ songs. For example, if a canary grows up with a nightingale, it can learn to sing like a nightingale. But this imitation is not a real language. Birds do not talk as we do.
a) Birds talk in their own way.
b) Birds don’t talk in their own way.
c) Some birds can talk in their own way.
a) Birds have a language that is different from the languages people speak.
b) Birds speak as people do.
c) Birds’ language is more difficult than people’s language.
a) A chick can’t make the same sounds as its parents can.
b) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can.
c) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can if it lives with them.
a) Birds can learn other “languages” and understand them.
b) Birds can learn other “languages” without understanding them.
c) Birds can learn only other birds’ languages.
Language of Birds
The song of birds is one of the most wonderful sounds. Probably the best singer is the nightingale.
Sometimes when we are out in the country, we hear birds making some sounds and we may think they are telling one another something. The fact is that birds have their own language, just as many other animals do but their language is different from people’s language. We use words and people must know these words, they should learn them. Birds don’t learn their language. They are able to sing, “to talk” because they can make sounds and noises. It is an instinct with them. Let’s take a chick from its parents so that it can’t hear the sounds they make. When the chick grows up, it will still be able to make the same sounds as its parents. But birds can’t learn “other languages”. Some birds like parrots, crows, jackdaws are talented imitators [ˈɪmɪteɪtəz]. They imitate the speech of people and other animals. A lot of birds can learn other birds’ songs. For example, if a canary grows up with a nightingale, it can learn to sing like a nightingale. But this imitation is not a real language. Birds do not talk as we do.
a) Birds talk in their own way.
b) Birds don’t talk in their own way.
c) Some birds can talk in their own way.
a) Birds have a language that is different from the languages people speak.
b) Birds speak as people do.
c) Birds’ language is more difficult than people’s language.
a) A chick can’t make the same sounds as its parents can.
b) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can.
c) A chick can make the same sounds as its parents can if it lives with them.
a) Birds can learn other “languages” and understand them.
b) Birds can learn other “languages” without understanding them.
c) Birds can learn only other birds’ languages.

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