Ответ на UNIT 4, Step 2, Номер 3 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 4, Step 2, Номер 3. Living Things Around Us.
A. Read the title of the text and its first paragraph. What do you think the text is going to be about?
B. Read the text to the end. What new things did you learn from it?
They Are So Much Like Us
Many people think that penguins [ˈpeŋɡwɪnz]live in the places where it is very cold. But we can find them not only along the Antarctic [æntˈɑ:ktɪk] continent (not the Arctic!) and islands. They also live in Peru [pəˈru:], Brazil [brəˈzɪl], Southwest Africa, New Zealand and in the south of Australia.
The penguin is famous because it can stand up straight and walk. When they walk, they look funny to us. They look like people wearing black coats and white shirts.
Ages ago, the penguins were about 2 metres tall and could fly as well as any other bird. But today their wings are short and useless for flying. How did it happen? Many scientists say that it happened because penguins had very few enemies. They lived on the territories where there was practically nobody dangerous for them. So they could safely spend all the time on land or in the water. They stopped using their wings. In time those wings became very small, until today they are useless for flying. But penguins are fantastic swimmers. Penguins also developed a thick coat of fat to protect them from the icy cold of the territories where they live.
B. Read the text to the end. What new things did you learn from it?
They Are So Much Like Us
Many people think that penguins [ˈpeŋɡwɪnz]live in the places where it is very cold. But we can find them not only along the Antarctic [æntˈɑ:ktɪk] continent (not the Arctic!) and islands. They also live in Peru [pəˈru:], Brazil [brəˈzɪl], Southwest Africa, New Zealand and in the south of Australia.
The penguin is famous because it can stand up straight and walk. When they walk, they look funny to us. They look like people wearing black coats and white shirts.
Ages ago, the penguins were about 2 metres tall and could fly as well as any other bird. But today their wings are short and useless for flying. How did it happen? Many scientists say that it happened because penguins had very few enemies. They lived on the territories where there was practically nobody dangerous for them. So they could safely spend all the time on land or in the water. They stopped using their wings. In time those wings became very small, until today they are useless for flying. But penguins are fantastic swimmers. Penguins also developed a thick coat of fat to protect them from the icy cold of the territories where they live.

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