Ответ на UNIT 3, Step 4, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 7 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 7 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова 2014-2021г. на UNIT 3, Step 4, Номер 4. Some Facts about the English-speaking World.
Listen, CD (47), and read.
branch [brɑ:nʧ] − ветка
desert [ˈdezət] − n пустыня; adj 1. пустынный 2. необитаемый
destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] − разрушать
disease [dɪˈzi:z] − болезнь
empty [ˈempti] − пустой
journey [ˈʤɜ:ni] − поездка, путешествие
leaf [li:f] − лист
suddenly [ˈsʌdnli] − вдруг, внезапно
sudden [ˈsʌdn] − неожиданный
branch: a thick branch, a long branch. The children made a tree house on two thick branches of the old tree. We hung bright lights on the tree branches.
desert n: The Sahara Desert. In a desert there are few plants and little water, the weather there is always dry. There are few animals that can live in a desert either.
desert adj: 1. a hot desert wind, desert animals. What desert plants do you know? 2. a desert island. Robinson lived on the desert island for 28 years.
destroy: to destroy a town, to destroy a forest, to destroy an ancient culture. The terrible storm destroyed some buildings. His words destroyed all my hopes.
disease: to get a disease, to develop a disease, a disease of animals. At that time nobody knew about this disease. Can people die from this disease?
empty: an empty room, an empty territory, empty of people. In the early morning the street was empty of cars. Emma’s room stood empty for a long time.
journey: to make a journey, a journey home, a train (bus, car) journey, a two−hour journey. Goodbye and have a pleasant journey! He makes a journey to Moscow three times a year. The journey from Brighton to London took us about three hours.
leaf (pl leaves): autumn leaves, the leaves of a tree. I found this dry leaf between the pages of my old book.
suddenly: to come suddenly, to say something suddenly. I suddenly understood where I was. The rain began suddenly and was very heavy.
sudden: a sudden idea, a sudden turn, a sudden disease. The sound was sudden and unpleasant.
branch [brɑ:nʧ] − ветка
desert [ˈdezət] − n пустыня; adj 1. пустынный 2. необитаемый
destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] − разрушать
disease [dɪˈzi:z] − болезнь
empty [ˈempti] − пустой
journey [ˈʤɜ:ni] − поездка, путешествие
leaf [li:f] − лист
suddenly [ˈsʌdnli] − вдруг, внезапно
sudden [ˈsʌdn] − неожиданный
branch: a thick branch, a long branch. The children made a tree house on two thick branches of the old tree. We hung bright lights on the tree branches.
desert n: The Sahara Desert. In a desert there are few plants and little water, the weather there is always dry. There are few animals that can live in a desert either.
desert adj: 1. a hot desert wind, desert animals. What desert plants do you know? 2. a desert island. Robinson lived on the desert island for 28 years.
destroy: to destroy a town, to destroy a forest, to destroy an ancient culture. The terrible storm destroyed some buildings. His words destroyed all my hopes.
disease: to get a disease, to develop a disease, a disease of animals. At that time nobody knew about this disease. Can people die from this disease?
empty: an empty room, an empty territory, empty of people. In the early morning the street was empty of cars. Emma’s room stood empty for a long time.
journey: to make a journey, a journey home, a train (bus, car) journey, a two−hour journey. Goodbye and have a pleasant journey! He makes a journey to Moscow three times a year. The journey from Brighton to London took us about three hours.
leaf (pl leaves): autumn leaves, the leaves of a tree. I found this dry leaf between the pages of my old book.
suddenly: to come suddenly, to say something suddenly. I suddenly understood where I was. The rain began suddenly and was very heavy.
sudden: a sudden idea, a sudden turn, a sudden disease. The sound was sudden and unpleasant.
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