Ответ на UNIT 5, Step 5, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 5 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, 2013-2021г. на UNIT 5, Step 5, Номер 4. From Place to Place.
Listen, CD(113), and read.
airport [ˈeəpɔ:t] – аэропорт
far [fɑ:] − 1) далёкий; 2) далеко
miss [mɪs] − пропустить, пройти мимо
railway station [ˈreɪlweɪ ˌsteɪʃn] – вокзал
straight [streɪt] − 1) прямой; 2) прямо
tell [tel] − сказать, рассказать
turn [tɜ:n] − поворачивать
way [weɪ] – путь
get to some place − добраться до какого−либо места
airport: a modern airport, London airport, at the airport. Show me the airport on the map.
far: far from here, to walk far, to live far from school. Is the supermarket far from here?
miss: to miss the square, to miss the shop. Our new supermarket is a high building in Market Square. You can’t miss it.
railway station: far from the railway station, near the railway station. Is the railway station far from the airport?
straight: 1) a straight street; 2) to go straight on. Go straight on and you’ll see the church. You can’t miss it.
tell – told [təʊld]: to tell us, to tell him, to tell them. John told us about their meeting. He didn’t tell me about it. To tell a story (a fairy tale, a fable). My granny often told me interesting stories before I went to bed.
turn: to turn right, to turn left. Turn right and go straight on.
way: a long way, a short way. What’s the way to the nearest bus stop? − Walk straight on and turn right. You can’t miss it.
get to: to get to the airport, to get to the railway station, to get to the metro station. How can I get to the railway station?
airport [ˈeəpɔ:t] – аэропорт
far [fɑ:] − 1) далёкий; 2) далеко
miss [mɪs] − пропустить, пройти мимо
railway station [ˈreɪlweɪ ˌsteɪʃn] – вокзал
straight [streɪt] − 1) прямой; 2) прямо
tell [tel] − сказать, рассказать
turn [tɜ:n] − поворачивать
way [weɪ] – путь
get to some place − добраться до какого−либо места
airport: a modern airport, London airport, at the airport. Show me the airport on the map.
far: far from here, to walk far, to live far from school. Is the supermarket far from here?
miss: to miss the square, to miss the shop. Our new supermarket is a high building in Market Square. You can’t miss it.
railway station: far from the railway station, near the railway station. Is the railway station far from the airport?
straight: 1) a straight street; 2) to go straight on. Go straight on and you’ll see the church. You can’t miss it.
tell – told [təʊld]: to tell us, to tell him, to tell them. John told us about their meeting. He didn’t tell me about it. To tell a story (a fairy tale, a fable). My granny often told me interesting stories before I went to bed.
turn: to turn right, to turn left. Turn right and go straight on.
way: a long way, a short way. What’s the way to the nearest bus stop? − Walk straight on and turn right. You can’t miss it.
get to: to get to the airport, to get to the railway station, to get to the metro station. How can I get to the railway station?
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