Ответ на UNIT 4, Step 5, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 5 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, 2013-2021г. на UNIT 4, Step 5, Номер 5. After School.
Listen, CD (92), and read.
ballet ['bæleɪ] – балет
draw [drɔ:] – рисовать (карандашом, тушью)
drawing ['drɔ:ɪŋ] – 1) рисунок; 2) рисование
gallery ['ɡæləri] – галерея
important [ɪm'pɔ:tənt] – важный
museum [mju:'zi:əm] – музей
paint [peɪnt] – 1) рисовать красками; 2) красить
painting ['peɪntɪŋ] – 1) картина; 2) живопись
theatre [θɪətə] – театр
ballet: classical ballet, modern ballet, a ballet dancer, a ballet school. The music to the ballet we saw yesterday was wonderful.
draw (drew): to draw in pencil, to draw birds and animals. My little daughter took up drawing last year.
1) a drawing = a picture (usually in pencil). Her drawings are wonderful.
2) Olga’s hobby is drawing.
gallery: a picture gallery, to visit galleries. She spent her free time visiting galleries. You can see drawings and pictures at picture galleries.
important: an important thing, an important visitor, to be important to somebody. Music is important to my children.
museum: a history ['hɪstəri] museum, museums of the city, at the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things at the History Museum in Moscow.
1) to paint mountains, to paint animals. When did he start to paint?
2) to paint the walls of the kitchen, to paint the door white.
1) a beautiful painting, a painting by Vasnetsov, painting by Servo. Where can you see paintings by Shishkin? – At the Tretyakov Gallery.
2) to be interested in painting. Ann loves painting and often goes to picture galleries.
theatre: a theatregoer, a musical theatre, a children’s theatre, a puppet ['pʌpɪt] theatre, to go to the theatre, to be at the theatre. Little children like to go to puppet theatres. My parents are theatregoers.
ballet ['bæleɪ] – балет
draw [drɔ:] – рисовать (карандашом, тушью)
drawing ['drɔ:ɪŋ] – 1) рисунок; 2) рисование
gallery ['ɡæləri] – галерея
important [ɪm'pɔ:tənt] – важный
museum [mju:'zi:əm] – музей
paint [peɪnt] – 1) рисовать красками; 2) красить
painting ['peɪntɪŋ] – 1) картина; 2) живопись
theatre [θɪətə] – театр
ballet: classical ballet, modern ballet, a ballet dancer, a ballet school. The music to the ballet we saw yesterday was wonderful.
draw (drew): to draw in pencil, to draw birds and animals. My little daughter took up drawing last year.
1) a drawing = a picture (usually in pencil). Her drawings are wonderful.
2) Olga’s hobby is drawing.
gallery: a picture gallery, to visit galleries. She spent her free time visiting galleries. You can see drawings and pictures at picture galleries.
important: an important thing, an important visitor, to be important to somebody. Music is important to my children.
museum: a history ['hɪstəri] museum, museums of the city, at the museum. You can see a lot of interesting things at the History Museum in Moscow.
1) to paint mountains, to paint animals. When did he start to paint?
2) to paint the walls of the kitchen, to paint the door white.
1) a beautiful painting, a painting by Vasnetsov, painting by Servo. Where can you see paintings by Shishkin? – At the Tretyakov Gallery.
2) to be interested in painting. Ann loves painting and often goes to picture galleries.
theatre: a theatregoer, a musical theatre, a children’s theatre, a puppet ['pʌpɪt] theatre, to go to the theatre, to be at the theatre. Little children like to go to puppet theatres. My parents are theatregoers.
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