Ответ на UNIT 3, Step 10, Номер 6 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 5 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, 2013-2021г. на UNIT 3, Step 10, Номер 6. Healthy Ways.
Try to tell one of Marshak’s tales in English.
Tale of Silly Little Mouse
Once upon a time there lived a little mouse. He lived with his mum in their little cosy house. One night Little Mouse went to bed but couldn’t sleep. His mother began singing a lullaby ['lʌləbaɪ] song to him. But Little Mouse didn’t like her singing. He thought her voice was very thin.
Mother Mouse ran away and came back with a duck. The duck began singing but Little Mouse thought her voice was very loud [laʊd]…
… a horse (Her song was scary ['skeəri].)
… a frog (Her song wasn’t interesting.)
… a pig (Her song wasn’t sweet.)
… a hen (She couldn’t sing him to sleep.)
… a fish (He couldn’t hear her song.)
…a cat (Her song was very good−sweet and beautiful.) But …
Tale of Silly Little Mouse
Once upon a time there lived a little mouse. He lived with his mum in their little cosy house. One night Little Mouse went to bed but couldn’t sleep. His mother began singing a lullaby ['lʌləbaɪ] song to him. But Little Mouse didn’t like her singing. He thought her voice was very thin.
Mother Mouse ran away and came back with a duck. The duck began singing but Little Mouse thought her voice was very loud [laʊd]…
… a horse (Her song was scary ['skeəri].)
… a frog (Her song wasn’t interesting.)
… a pig (Her song wasn’t sweet.)
… a hen (She couldn’t sing him to sleep.)
… a fish (He couldn’t hear her song.)
…a cat (Her song was very good−sweet and beautiful.) But …

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