Ответ на UNIT 2, Step 2, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 5 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)
ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) по Английскому языку 5 класса авторов О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, 2013-2021г. на UNIT 2, Step 2, Номер 5. Family History.
Listen and read, CD (29).
aunt [ɑ:nt] – тетя;
learn [lɜ:n] – учить(ся), узнавать;
magazine [ǀmæɡə'zi:n] – журнал;
newspaper ['nju:sǀpeɪpə] – газета;
uncle ['ʌŋkl] – дядя;
university [ǀju:ni'vɜ:səti] – университет.
aunt: my aunt, Aunt Polly, John’s aunt. My two aunts live in my home town. Aunt Liz is forty−two.
learn (learnt/learned – learnt/learned): to learn English, to learn Russian, to learn a lot of things. At our lessons we learn a lot of interesting things. When did he learn to play piano?
magazine: a new magazine, my favourite magazine, to read magazines. I don’t read children’s magazines. We can read about it in this magazine.
newspaper: a British newspaper, a school newspaper, to write for a newspaper. My friend writes for our school newspaper.
uncle: her uncle, Sally’s uncle. Do you often visit your aunt and uncle? Where does your uncle live?
university: a new university, London University, Moscow University, to be at university, to go to university. Do you want to be a university student? They met when they were at university.
aunt [ɑ:nt] – тетя;
learn [lɜ:n] – учить(ся), узнавать;
magazine [ǀmæɡə'zi:n] – журнал;
newspaper ['nju:sǀpeɪpə] – газета;
uncle ['ʌŋkl] – дядя;
university [ǀju:ni'vɜ:səti] – университет.
aunt: my aunt, Aunt Polly, John’s aunt. My two aunts live in my home town. Aunt Liz is forty−two.
learn (learnt/learned – learnt/learned): to learn English, to learn Russian, to learn a lot of things. At our lessons we learn a lot of interesting things. When did he learn to play piano?
magazine: a new magazine, my favourite magazine, to read magazines. I don’t read children’s magazines. We can read about it in this magazine.
newspaper: a British newspaper, a school newspaper, to write for a newspaper. My friend writes for our school newspaper.
uncle: her uncle, Sally’s uncle. Do you often visit your aunt and uncle? Where does your uncle live?
university: a new university, London University, Moscow University, to be at university, to go to university. Do you want to be a university student? They met when they were at university.
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